Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How hot can you be?

Some of them use repetition to make you remember, emotions to touch your feelings, and well-known famous people to show you trust. Some of these advertisements are more powerful than others and this is the case of QuickTime ads. This advertisement is very effective, not only because it incorporates a well known famous person that â€Å"uses† the pill, it also shows a link to a reliable website that gives the prospective buyer health information and they use the repetition psychological fact to grab women attention. This weight loss product's advertisement was created to catch the attention of all women.The advertisement asks women how hot could they be and displays a picture of the sex icon Kim Sardinian. By doing this, the correlation between using the QuickTime product and looking like Kim Sardinian is created. What woman does not want to look beautiful? The advertisement indicates that using the product shown will allow the person being targeted to look better than ever. Th e ad commits a logical fallacy by making the false correlation between taking he product and solving all of the users physical aesthetic problems. What if someone has an enormous nose? Will â€Å"CT† help?The product fails to specifically target an overweight audience but instead targets all women, making the ad less effective. How can you trust a product that makes a promise it cannot keep? On top of the tactics mentioned before, the ad shows a link to WebMD (which is reliable website). Women who see this on the product's ad would probably see these pills as a safe option. However there is information proving the opposite, an example f this is in an article on the Time Magazine July editions which contains an article that explains to readers that weight loss products are heavy on claims, but there is a scarcity of scientific proof.According to them, nowadays there are no products that could be considered â€Å"safe, effective and rigorously tested. They also mention that th e U. S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) â€Å"(Park and Suffering 20) do not evaluate most weight loss supplements for safety. However with all this valuable information that loud be easily found on the web, many women might be tricked into thinking this product is safe due to the advertisement containing a reliable medical website.There is much psychological research that proves that repetition works very well in influencing people, and this ad is not the exception. If a woman sees the advertisement Just one time she might ignore it, but if the ad keeps reoccurring then it will most likely catch the audiences attention. As it says on the website changing's. Org â€Å"Repetition creates a pattern, which consequently and naturally Arabs our attention at first and then creates the comfort of familiarity. † (â€Å"Repetition Principle†).Familiarity subsequently hints liking more than dislike, companies know this and they apply it very well to their advertisements. Ther efore even women, who are not thinking on buying the product, probably would unconsciously do it. In conclusion this advertisement is very effective, not only because it incorporates a well known famous person that â€Å"uses† the pill, it also shows a link to a reliable website that gives the prospective buyer health information and they use psychological petition in various forms of media to grab women's attention.There are many companies like QuickTime that are taking advantage of people that have low self- esteem, by advertising a product that supposedly makes you lose weight and become more aesthetically appealing. This advertisement gives a false claim that it can simply solve a persons more complicated problems by taking a â€Å"miracle† pill. By incorporating a medical site to the ad also gives a sense of safety in this pill and makes the targeted audience have a sense of trust in this product.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A review of my personal crime prevention strategy Essay

My idea for the preventative crime strategy is â€Å"soft drug† education. In many European countries, softer alcohols like wine and beer are not policed as strongly as hard liquor. The idea behind this began in Germany when alcoholism was beginning to become more and more prevalent. Said problem was thought to be solved if alcohol was introduced differently. To be introduced to the family or at a younger age, as less of a risky or dangerous or rebellious thing. This has led to a drop in alcoholism as these drinks are normalized from a young age. In turn, the United States school system has, for decades, been using the D.A.R.E. program but this has been shown not to actually work. It uses fear mongering and essentially educating students that if they were to come in contact with marijuana, they would die. This does not, has not, and will continue not to work. My idea is to create a strategy of soft drug education. This means treating marijuana, though schedule 1, as a weak or even purely/mostly medical drug instead of a dangerous gateway to amphetamines or heroin. So by removing the stigma of being a gateway, I hope to remove it from actually becoming one. Marijuana education would be taught differently; especially as decriminalization and legalization continue throughout the country in various stages. As of now, it is schedule 1, which means it has no medical properties. Currently, even cocaine is ranked as schedule 2, meaning it can be used in some medical scenarios. Marijuana is also often spoken of as a starter drug or gateway drug. An idea that began as simply an idea, but recently has become more of a reality. Drug dealers lacing the marijuana with addictive drugs, or mental addiction, even with people just chasing the high. But a new education could reframe the plant. This would be done so the young people coming in contact with it know what it does, what it looks like, and how it feels. Lying about drugs no longer works in a digital age. A heroin addict I once spoke to talked about how no one ever said how good drugs could feel, so if they lied about that and lied about weed killing you, why not keep trying? The gateway effect was not due to him wanting to try more drugs just to try more drugs. He had felt that if marijuana had not been this addictive and deadly substance, the other dangerous drugs would not be either. The lie itself led him to those harder drugs. So essentially institute a normalization effect on marijuana. Remove the idea that it is a narcotic. The best-case scenario would be for it to be seen as a medical drug first. Similar to Tylenol or cough syrup, a drug that is purely medical in the eyes of the public, first. The first way to go about it would be getting to the smokers first. Many times children will pick up a tobacco habit before marijuana and thus before hard drugs. So the first step would be printing medical information on cigarette cartons. More and more, tobacco companies have to put the cancer-addled pictures on the cartons, and though it is meant to be a deterrent from smoking, most smokers probably just don’t look at it. This is instituted by the Surgeon General and thus cannot be fought by the tobacco companies. So putting medical facts and statistics would lead a wandering eye to see benefits of what they may have previously heard is a dangerous drug. From here, there would need to be the differentiation between marijuana and harder drugs sucks as heroin, methamphetamine, and LSD. Those listed previously are all scheduled as narcotic only with zero medical use whatsoever. Again, cocaine is listed as safer than marijuana. So it is first important to work on changing this v iew. This could occur by interlacing the failing scare tactics with the benefits of marijuana. Many shops exist countrywide, and even on South Street here in Philadelphia where â€Å"tobacco paraphernalia† are sold. So in those places make ads that may push marijuana and tobacco but put down hard drugs. Along the lines of â€Å"When you snort cocaine your heart explodes, when you smoke weed you get hungry.† Different things similar to these. This along with the D.E.A. (Drug Enforcement Administration) rescheduling, the adult/population-wide feeling against the plant could begin to lift. If various states are legalizing and/or decriminalizing, along with the national government says it is less risky, people would be more open-minded. The most important push, however, would be the medicalization side. The best way to remove a stigma, to remove a dark side of something, is to make it beneficial. The inverse of this was seen with the medicine Sudafed. It was pulled from shelves when it became public knowledge that the drug could easily be used to manufacture forms of methamphetamine. Marijuana has already begun to be shown as a medicine. The drug has been used for soldiers to relieve post-traumatic stress disorder, with chemotherapy patients it increases appetite, in various illnesses such as arthritis it stops inflammation. Marijuana already has shown the potential in many ways to be a medicine. A cheap, easy to create, strong, and it has multiple uses, drug. If it were to be rescheduled and pushed publicly, in news or music or shows, as less of a narcotic and more of a medication, the stigma would fall away. This relates to community crime prevention in many ways. The first idea of which is the connection to the basics needed to commit a crime; a place, a person to commit the crime, and a crime itself. Even without a straightforward target, if the drug is no longer seen as a drug then the target is hardened. It is more difficult to see a legal, medical, plant as a dangerous and rebellious activity. This also falls into social disorganization theory, if marijuana is medical and harder drugs fall away, then the usage of marijuana could be seen as a norm in communities similar to tobacco use or over the counter pain killers; drug culture would begin to fall away and thus rougher communities could come together more against the harder drugs. A generation bypassing heroin use would more easily be able to push out the heroin dealers. So not only would the soft drug education lead to fewer people using the harder, more deadly drugs, but it could lead to communities pushing harder and more openl y against drug dealing. (As a side note: those who dealt/grew marijuana would easily be able to ascertain occupations in the then-legal marijuana growing industry, thus a legitimate job would prevent them from dealing other illicit drugs). As well as with fewer drug dealers present in neighborhoods, violence would drop dramatically. No more people violently high on cocaine or PCP or other â€Å"uppers† as well as no more drug-based robberies. Many drug dealers are robbed because they are seen as sources of money; so either they get robbed or often times they will carry firearms and shoot their robbers. Either way, there would potentially be a drop. As well as the growth of marijuana by those who have (though illegally) been doing it for years could show to be lucrative and make low-economic-class areas into self-made enterprise zones. As discussed in class, there must be an audience to market these ideas too as well. There are two main audiences: those who are 40 years old or older, those 12 and younger. The older crowd in order to push the idea that marijuana is not harmful, the younger in order to push that it is â€Å"really a medicine† and to keep pushing for other drugs being dangerous. As the FBI and ATF speakers also spoke about, the Hobbes Act is extremely important. But the ATF speaker brought up a strong point: marijuana can be grown anywhere hydroponically. It is currently not a Hobbes Act infringement because it cannot be traced. To tie in with my idea before, if Pennsylvania were to follow through with any of these ideas, then marijuana is no longer a drug and thus any/all sales of illicit drugs become federal crimes. There is nothing scarier than saying â€Å"ALL _____ CRIMES ARE FEDERAL CRIMES† and this would push drug sales into that category. The soft drug education has multiple parts. The rescheduling of marijuana, the bettered education and allowance of use, and the final step to make it publically seen as more of a medicine than a drug to get high off of. Especially since the indicia strain of marijuana (as opposed to sativa) mostly works with treating pain, hunger, insomnia, stress, anxiety, inflammation, and other medical ailments with less of a physical â€Å"high† from the drug.   With the proper pushing to legalize then re-educate the masses, hard drug use would drop dramatically. The main purpose is not only to allow for a medication to be used by the medical community but if this works it should prevent the gateway effect. Within a generation, a large-scale drop in heroin, LSD, cocaine (crack and powder), Mescaline, ecstasy, and all other truly dangerous schedules 1 drugs. That is my crime prevention strategy. Prevent the gateway effect and thus prevent a generation of drug crimes or drug-related crimes (such as in Goldkamp’s trichotomy) on a massive scale.

Linden Hills and the Struggles That Come with I

There are three ways Luther Nedeed is simultaneously a positive and negative role model for young men who represent the ages of Willie and Lester. First, Luther Nedeed believes in the importance of family but while doing so, he destroys many people, especially his wife and son. This is important because it shows that people can feel a certain way, but in the end, actions speak louder than words. Second, Luther Nedeed inspires hope and shows that the American dream is possible but while achieving this dream, it causes some people to sell themselves out.This is significant because it shows that if the prize to achieve the dream is the loss of one’s soul or compromise of one’s standards, the price is too high to pay. Third, Nedeed wants to preserve the integrity and value of Linden Hills but the power he holds goes to his head and he begins to care more about himself than others. This is relevant because life holds the most meaning and opportunity for personal satisfaction in the connections people make with one another and without those, the missing human element will destroy the individuals that choose to turn their backs on society, and therefore, humanity itself.Luther Nedeed believes in the importance of family but while doing so, he destroys many people, especially his wife and son. Luther shows us that he believes in this because he is upholding the Nedeed tradition of working to take care of Linden Hills and creating offspring to take over for him when he passes away. Luther also shows us his belief in family when he thinks about how lonely he is on Christmas and wishes his wife was there with him enjoying the holiday and everything that comes with it.This makes Luther a positive role model because young men who represent the ages of Willie and Lester need to know that family is important. Family will always be there for you, and if you don’t keep them around, you’re going to face some difficult situations later in life without much help. Even though Luther believes family is important, he contradicts himself by destroying people, especially his wife and son. When his son was born, he was light-skinned so he banished him and his wife into the basement where his son would die of starvation.He also ruined Laurel Dumont after her husband left her by telling her that her lease was no longer valid and she had to leave. As a result, Laurel commits suicide by jumping into an empty swimming pool. This is the negative side of this coin. Young men such as Willie and Lester do not need to see people ruining other people’s lives. They need to realize that what they say and preach should be how they act. Unfortunately, Luther fails to do that. Luther Nedeed inspires hope and shows that the American dream is possible.Linden Hills is an affluent black community where many people strive to live because of its fame and what it immediately does to your status once you move in. The Nedeed family started from scratch, one of them with just a cardboard suitcase and a dream, another one who poured cement for numerous foundations, and another who gambled every dime to keep the community afloat during the Depression. Young men who represent the ages of Wilie and Lester need to know that if you work hard enough, the American dream is achievable.It shows them that you must work hard and if you work hard enough, your opportunity may come one day. However, the American dream will cause some people to sell themselves out. By creating Linden Hills and maintaining it, Luther Nedeed has created monsters in the people who will do anything and everything they can to rise to fame and live in Linden Hills. For example, Lester’s sister, who idolizes Eleanor Roosevelt and Diane Ross, and who had enrolled in black history classes in college, now employs bleaching cream and hair relaxer.Her dream is to have a good marriage in Linden Hills. Maxwell Smith, who is a high-ranking executive at General Motors, has achieved perfect physical control of himself and the environment around him. He says that he spends every waking moment trying to be no color at all. This makes Luther a negative role model because people are foregoing their moral standards and values. They are giving everything up to gain that status and young men such as Willie and Lester need to know that the price for that is too high to pay.Luther Nedeed wants to preserve the integrity and value of Linden Hills. He tries to preserve the integrity by writing leases that are good for one thousand years and a day, which will preserve the family tradition for a long time. He tries to protect his wealth and inheritance by working to make Linden Hills better and by making sure that a lease can only be passed down to one’s children or sold to another black family. This is important for young men who represent the age of Willie and Lester to see because it shows one’s loyalty and sense of pride to something.In this case, for Luther, it’s Linden Hills. For someone else, it may be their child, their house, their car, or anything else that they hold true to their heart and love. People need to be loyal to certain things in life and must do everything they can to preserve traditions and values. However, the negative side of Luther comes out becausehis power goes to head and he begins to care more about himself than others. For example, he doesn’t care what type of wife he marries and has a child with.He selects one who he feels will produce a good offspring, bears a child with her, and then has no sexual contact with her thereafter. He also opposes a low-income housing project planned for Putney Wayne, which is a neighboring black ghetto and proposes to join forces with the racist Wayne County Citizens Alliance so property values would not decline. Although this would help black people, Luther is against it because all he cares about is himself and what he loves.People such as Willie and L ester need to recognize this and know that you have to balance what you love and your feelings for others and society. You cannot turn your back on society and mankind because all you care about is yourself and your future. Those who represent the ages of Willie and Lester need to realize that life holds the most meaning and opportunity for personal satisfaction in the connections people make with one another and without those, the missing human element will destroy the individuals that choose to turn their backs on society, and therefore, humanity itself.Luther’s actions eventually did come back to haunt him in the end, specifically his decision to banish his wife and son into the basement. Willa eventually comes up due to an accidental unlocking of the basement door bolt and when she does, a struggle ensues and the house along with everything and everyone inside of it burns to death. All of these actions and decisions show that there are different ways Luther Nedeed is simu ltaneously a positive and negative role model for young men who represent the ages of Willie and Lester.First, Luther Nedeed believes in the importance of family but while doing so, he destroys many people, especially his wife and son. This is important because it shows that people can feel a certain way, but in the end, actions speak louder than words. Second, Luther Nedeed inspires hope and shows that the American dream is possible but while achieving this dream, it causes some people to sell themselves out. This is significant because it shows that if the prize to achieve the dream is the loss of one’s soul or compromise of one’s standards, the price is too high to pay.Third, Nedeed wants to preserve the integrity and value of Linden Hills but the power he holds goes to his head and he begins to care more about himself than others. This is relevant because life holds the most meaning and opportunity for personal satisfaction in the connections people make with one a nother and without those, the missing human element will destroy the individuals that choose to turn their backs on society, and therefore, humanity itself.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ethnographic observation report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethnographic observation report - Essay Example Cultural constructs are also well observable in the eventual assessment of the data. There was extreme exposure of cultural issues from the entire field (DeWalt & DeWalt, 2011). Data that was obtained through the entailed participant observation served as check against participants’ prejudiced reporting on regards to what they believe or even do. Undertaken participant observation availed very constructive data for gaining a well understanding of the varying social, physical, cultural, and economic perspectives of the population from which group study participants reside; the relationships amongst and between populace norms, contexts, ideas and outlined events; and their behaviors or activities (AranhaÃŒÆ'o & Streck, 2003). With regards to observation entailed, the data regarding appeal to fashion was highly varying regarding the altering or changing intergenerational segments of the community entailed in the research. Old generation people or old persons exhibited dressing models that indicated less exposure or nakedness while the young people were noted to have dressed in cloths that were very much exposing. The model of eating was well notable as many young people always walked along with snacks in hands while the old people restricted their eating habits to hotels or did not do at all while walking. The access to behaviors of various groups in the process was very comfortlessly possible. Young people or mainly teenagers, old people, drivers, law enforcers and normal working class people were all covered in the process. Teenagers exhibited very risky modes of behavior entirely in the program for the permitted time under which the data collection was taken. They were noted driving while under the influence of drugs or mainly alcohol, instances of driving when apparently fatigued and over speeding were regularly notable thus prompting transport accidents. Other substances similar to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

My life sounds like Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My life sounds like - Essay Example The words in the song encourage me to do what I desire, and what contributes positively to the advancement of humanity. The words that insist that every second count because second chances do not exist inspire me. More to these, the song highlights about forgiving your enemies, which helps me keep from holding grudges in life, and aim at living at peace with all people. Being concerned about the well being of the less fortunate in society forms a significant part of my life. Consequently, Michael Jackson inspires me to participate, continually, in activities that promote the lives of the less fortunate. The song insists on caring for the entire human race, through such acts as giving. It also strengthens my unity values as it teaches me to look at the world as a place that should be filled with peace. Therefore, the song helps me to reach out to the needy around me, and help them live a better life. Switchfoot’s song â€Å"Dare you to move† keeps me going when I face hu rdles in my life. Whenever I experience failure, and thoughts of despair crowd my mind, the words â€Å"I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor† encourage me to keep on trying, no matter how difficult the situation may get. In my academics, for example, I am motivated to keep on working hard as the song teaches me that being strong makes a difference between where I am today, and where I could be tomorrow. The song increases my determination to face the tensions in all areas of life with an unfailing spirit.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The role of sociology during Wars Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The role of sociology during Wars - Term Paper Example Since a lot of assets are at stake during a war, it is crucial to resolve the crises and in order to do so understanding the root causes is very important. This paper aims at discussing how sociology can play a crucial role in predicting, understanding and thus, avoiding wars. Sociology is the study of societies, usually modern ones which comprises of people being the sole fundamentals or building blocks of the society, and thus understanding the psyche and societal roles of these people can help understand war more effectively, as proposed by the sociologists (Stanchak 2000). The first part of the thesis comprises of the role of sociology in understanding the concept of war which is the sole pre-requisite for predicting and thus, resolving the issues which have the potential of turning into a war like situation. In this context, Lachmann (2012) argues that war can be traced back in history and can thus be studied in terms of benefits and losses for individuals or groups within individuals. For instance, he states that citizens of a nation associate their collective interests with the state authority, and the state in turn seeks benefits from the state in terms of taxes and services etc. Thus, over the years, the state has developed strong control over the citizens in terms of controlling their socio-economic lives either directly or indirectly, and in this global world, the same benefit and loss patterns have resulted into conflicts between states over resources which are already in scarcity. Supporting this argument, another proposition posed by Shaw (2 007) can be stated which indicates that the reasons behind wars can be related to sociological patterns across society. This implies that war rather than being taken as an absolute entity should rather be studies as general conflicts between individuals or groups, and he focuses on the concept of genocide where a certain group attacks an un-armed group of people to pursue their personal interests. In other

Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluating practice through theories and models Essay

Evaluating practice through theories and models - Essay Example These nursing theories essentially provide the scientific bases for the claim that nursing is not only an art but also a science (Parker 2010). In this essay, three nursing theories will be analysed and criticised purposely to understand and learn how to effectively use these theories in everyday nursing practices. Then, Dorothea Orem’s self-care deficit theory will be applied to a case study (see Appendix 1). Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring The Theory of Human Caring, according to Watson (2000), was developed between 1975-1979 as her initial attempt to distinguish nursing from other health professions by combining the seemingly irreconcilable concepts of science and caring. She also regards her theory as â€Å"a humanistic approach to nursing that emphasizes human-to-human responsiveness rooted in upholding humanistic values† (Kim 2006, p.301), as she pays attention not only on patients but also on nurses, believing that both are interconnected. Watson (200 0, p. 2) expands this further by explaining that nursing like teaching is not simply a job that can be mechanically done, but it is â€Å"a life-giving and life-receiving profession for a lifetime of growth and learning† which only becomes possible if caring is incorporated in nurses’ daily works and lives. Thus what distinguishes the nursing profession is caring and love. Watson’s theory is a good reminder to nurses of four important points: that the patients are all human beings that deserve equal care and love; that the knowledge and skills of nurses are only tools to assist them in which therapeutic effect depends on how much nurses care; that healing is a two way-process both in going through the healing process and in benefitting from it; and that nursing as a caring profession is a humane profession because without care humanity may perish. Furthermore Suliman et al.’s (2009) study, which aimed to assess the effectiveness of Watson’s theory in a multi-cultural environment found that Watson’s theory is measurable using the caring Behaviour Assessment Tool and is applicable to patients of various cultural backgrounds. However, it may be argued that Watson’s theory is too subjective as it greatly depends on the nurse’s commitment and caring consciousness. Every individual has his/her own way of expressing and accepting care. Thus, the expression of Watson’s theory may vary along individual personalities and cultural backgrounds of nurses and patients. Remaining two models will be discussed in the assignment 1. Case study, Applying Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory (Case: see Appendix 1) Introduction The author chose the application of Orem’s Self-Care Deficit theory on this case for two important reasons. Firstly, the aim of Orem’s theory fits well in the case. Secondly, Orem’s nursing process is clearly defined in terms of objective and technical components. Thus, thi s will be a good learning exercise for the author as to how nursing for self-care is conducted. In Orem’s theory (1959-2001), the nursing process is the method by which nurses can determine the person’

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Tourism Marketing and tourism and tourism business strategy Essay

Tourism Marketing and tourism and tourism business strategy - Essay Example stination depends largely on the destination marketing organizations and the success of a destination marketing organization mainly depends on different communication channels used by the organization to attract a large number of customers. A multi channel marketing strategy is very important for these destination marketing organizations to reach the potential buyers at different times and in different ways, and that the most successful marketing programs contained an appropriate mix of marketing channels for the targeted audience Multichannel integration is posited as one of the key cross functional processes in CRM strategy development. The nature of industry channel structure, channel participants, channel options, and alternative channel strategies all are very essential and have to be kept in mind. The customer experience is explored both within and across the channels. In less than a decade, customer relationship management (CRM) has escalated into a topic of major importance that is built especially on the principles of relationship marketing CRM is a management approach that seeks to create, develop, and enhance relationships with carefully targeted customers to maximise customer value, corporate profitability,and thus, shareholder value relationships within a multichannel environment . For Destination Marketing Organizations. CRM is important because it provides enhanced opportunities by using data to understand customers and to implement improved relationship marketing strategies. These Destination Marketing Organizations have to attract a number of tourists by promoting an area, city or a country so they need to build strong relations with their potential customers Therefore the multichannel strategy for Destination Marketing Organizations plays a pivotal role in CRM as it takes the outputs of the business strategy and value-creation processes and translates them into value adding interactions with the tourists. It involves making decisions about

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Barry Tomatoland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Barry Tomatoland - Essay Example A major downside of these industrially grown tomatoes is their lack of taste, as compared to organically grown tomatoes that re provided with the necessary nutrients and care required. Estabrook gives a rather interesting history of the tomato plant, tracing it back to its original habitat in South America, and provides a great difference between the tomatoes produced today in areas as Florida and those that are grown naturally. The use of industrial agriculture to grow these tomatoes has numerous negative effects to the quality of tomatoes produced and especially to the workers who work in those farms. This paper aims to look at two main issues Estabrook highlights facing the tomato industry and possible solutions to help solve them. Estabrook depicts the state of Florida as the worst state to grow tomatoes given its very poor soils and the high levels of humidity recorded in the state. The tomatoes are grown on sandy soil, which lacks the very important nutrients required for adequ ate growth of most crops, and therefore farmers have to utilize chemical fertilizers in order to make the sand soil a suitable planting medium. The sunny weather and high humidity in the state provide an adequate atmosphere for the existence of many pests and insects such as spots, blights, and molds that pose a serious danger for producing healthy tomatoes. Estabrook explains a disturbing picture of modern-day slavery in one of the most democratic country in the world where people enjoy various rights and freedoms. He clearly shows some of the harsh conditions that most laborers working in these tomato farms undergo, especially in Immokalee, Florida, the major growing area for winter tomatoes. Most of these workers are illegal immigrants, mostly from Mexico, and cannot speak neither Spanish nor English, which places them at a disadvantage. Some of these immigrants are brought into the country through illegal human trafficking channels and are usually tortured and mistreated and sur vive in very poor living conditions, mostly without enough food and proper sanitary facilities. They work very hard and are paid very low wages that are paid irregularly. It is very disturbing to imagine a worker

Bits of Mystery DNA Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bits of Mystery DNA - Article Example (Kolata) What is also critical to understand that this article has actually focused on the findings which were earlier termed as junk? Scientists have discarded these findings and apparently reduce their role in offering any new insights. However, different research findings indicated in this article has put the onus back on scientists to actually re-evaluate their own opinions and embark on new research. The article has also discussed the 3 dimensional structure of DNA and how this new discovery can actually pose new challenges for scientists to properly encode and decode those DNAs to achieve the health related benefits. This paper will discuss the new research which has been discussed in this article and will specifically focus on discussing dark matter as well as the 3-D structure of DNA. Besides, this paper will also discuss the impact this new research on DNA might have on overall health related outcomes. Biological dark matter actually hints at the fourth domain of the life i.e. bacetria, archea and eukaryotes the other three. It has been now accepted throughout the academic field that most of the genetic material in different parts of the body is the dark matter with relatively no explanation of what it actually is. Historically DNA Dark Matter has been termed as junk DNA because it was not coded for protein and researchers typically knew little about this dark matter. This junk or dark matter resides in millions of switches that is possessed by the smaller bits of DNA. However, new research clearly now indicates that these smaller switches or the dark matter as it is called can play decisive role in determining how different organs and tissues work and how two persons with identical genetic make-up can catch different diseases. DNA is a double Helix and unwinding of the same would actually result into two different strands and both of them are parallel in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Terms comparison paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Terms comparison paper - Essay Example The subject of costs in economics is a trivial concern because as simple as it looks, costs assume many forms and applications. As conventionally defined, cost means the amount of money paid for a certain product or service. According to Encyclopedia Britannica (par. 1), cost â€Å"in common usage, (is) the monetary value of goods and services that producers and consumers purchase.† What make the concept of cost challenging in microeconomics is the diverse types or classifications attached to it. Since microeconomics encompass the study of the behavior of individuals, firms, and industries in terms of producing and consuming of economic goods and services, the concept of cost is relevant as it affects microeconomic activities of the units concerned. For consumers and individuals who are not familiar with the concepts of costs, one might have the tendency to discard this as irrelevant and immaterial. However, close examination of these underlying theories would enlighten consum ers on their effects on prices and quantities of goods which are normally offered to the public. This concept is also relevantly applicable to the health care industry. It is interesting to note that in economics, all costs are considered opportunity costs. As rationalized by Petroff (2002, par. 2), resources are usually indented for a particular purpose. When goods are produced using a definite resource, other goods could not be produced using the same raw materials. To use a practical application, for a consumer who decided to buy a television set, the opportunity cost could be the value of a trip to a nearby beach resort which was not taken due to the purchase. In health care, the concept of opportunity cost is best exemplified by the number of years in terms of lives saved and the improvement in the quality of life should monetary resources be spent on an alternative medical intervention suggested or recommended for a diagnosed health care procedure.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Save the Environment! Essay Example for Free

Save the Environment! Essay â€Å"TREE PLANTATON† – most commonly used word. These words don’t only mean arising love for nature suddenly only on 5th June (World Environment Day) just like every Indian experiences patriotism on 15th August or 26th January†. Sometimes while attending such â€Å"TREE PLANTATION† events we may feel like saving nature and plant many plants that fine day. But, what about those plants after the event gets over? We forget about those planted plants soon after the event is over. Weather those plants will grow to trees or not is no more our concern, That does not at all mean tree plantation in real sense. Now a days we may easily find an under construction sight surrounding us. But have you seen an under construction tree? Any client may easily give an order to any builder that he wants this building to be completed in 2 or 3 years. But have you heard anyone saying or ordering other person about growing a 20 or 25 feet high tree in 2 years!! The answer is NO. Then why not to take care of those trees which are being cut in greed of constructing high tech roads? And this is our event. Let us think about â€Å"Tree preservation along with tree plantation†. Saving a tree certainly gives a feeling of saving life. Recently, you may have heard that in USA word’s longest tower is going to be constructed in just 2 years. But I don’t think it is shocking news because they have high technology and man power and it is possible for them to construct such a tower. Now, if any would say that I can grow world’s tallest free in just 2 years then it would be a shocking news, because constructing building is in hands of homo sapiens but growing trees is in hands of mother nature and we know that nobody can win against nature. Media should also try to create awareness about preserving trees along with growing.† Every person cries â€Å"plant trees†. But very few cry†preserve trees†. In such an atmosphere where signs of global warming are clearly visible, we should take care regarding preserving the present nature. It is true that efforts are made to grow more trees but do you think that you are going to live a life to see that tree growing so it. Tall NO Our projects include an eco-friendly development which comprises of earning money along with favoring our mother nature. The trees which are cut at construction sights are brought to own projects and then we plant them and experience a great relief of preserving a life. Thus we proudly say that we run eco-friendly projects! Generally the man of 21st centaury constructs concrete forests by destroying the forests of nature which are grown not constructed Thus, this thought gave us an idea of presenting own project to people as well as nature!!

Sunday, July 21, 2019 is a multinational ecommerce company is a multinational ecommerce company is a multinational Ecommerce company, which was founded by Jeff Bezos who is considered to be one of the worlds top innovative executives. started as an online bookstore and expanded with time to sell almost everything. The role of information system in this company is a leading role, because the company is an online retailer. The company started as an online store for books to rapidly expand to sell everything such us beauty items, auto parts, apparel, electronics and groceries. Amazon has started as an online book retailer and later on has grown to sell products such as VHS, DVD, Computer software, furniture, food, music CDs and toys. The company has also been able to launch websites in different countries such as United Kingdom, Canada, France, Japan and Germany. By 2001 the market place of Amazon has been launched to enable Amazons customers to sell used books, DVDs and CDs Amazons logo shows an arrow that stretches from A to Z, which also forms a smile to indicate Amazons care for customers satisfaction. eBay on the other hand is one of Amazons rival online companies. has been an innovative company in its domain; therefore it attracted lots of competition from different companies. eBay as an example is a very strong competitor. It is the number one online auction website. It recruited more than 15000 employees. Just like Amazon, eBay provides customers with comprehensive web services such as: Search via keyword or phrase. Submit new items. Re-list items. Provides information about certain seller or bidder. eBay is considered to be the largest online trading company in the world. It was founded in 1995 to become one of the most popular online shopping sites in the world. It has over 100 million registered users internationally. It allows buyers and sellers from the around the word to facilitate sales of services and products and form a diverse international community. In order for users to be able to transfer money to sellers, eBay started up Pay Pal, which became the worlds largest online bank. Until 2005, eBay has enjoyed a decade of online auction monopoly. Right now it is challenged by google and it is no longer the worlds only online auction community. Information system: Amazon uses an information system (MIS) that focuses on the customer supplier relationship. It focuses on increasing intimacy between customers and suppliers. Amazon uses a sophisticated Information system and sophisticated techniques that allow Amazon to standardize the processes it uses in order to give customers high satisfying experiences. The website opens up with a search bar where customers can type down their desired item and then be able to sift through the data base where the item and similar items can be found. The customer once finding the desired item can give the option of ordering the item and buy it through credit card or gift vouchers that can be purchased through cashu. Once the item is shipped, the customer can receive it within few days up to few weeks depending on the destination required. Unlike its competitors, does not ship items through warehouses owned by the company. Books for example are shipped directly from publishers; therefore, warehouses ar e not needed. These systems are managed by different technological applicants in order to help Amazons employees work with efficiency. Once a customer places an order, the management system would start working on reserving the item, schedule the shipment, make invoices and update the customers account and record. Amazon uses TPS (Transaction Processing Systems) in the process of the transaction done, as in once picking up the number of items needed the website calculates the total amount. It can also be seen in the preparation of invoices. DSS (Decision Support System) in Amazon can be seen in how Amazon presents its customers with the chance to choose items from a best selling list added to the home page. It is also implemented in a service provided by the website called â€Å"Look inside the book†. Customers are left with the choice to make a decision in buying a specific book or not by taking a look at random pages of the content of the book. It can also be seen in the typ e of shipment that is considered appropriate for the customer. ESS (Executive support system) is seen in the executives handling of queries and answering questions of customers. Amazon uses its own customized database called Amazon S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service). It is predicted that with time, this system will take the place of Oracle databases because it is simple and less expensive. On the other hand, eBay uses Business 2 Business (B2B) information system. eBay works through a person 2 person process. Customers can search for items via eBay and then directly contact the seller by negotiating the price with other buyers. B2B can be seen through the way processes are made. Customers are in direct contact with buyers and the transaction and money transfer occurs through PayPal, which is an individual website by itself-though it is fully owned by eBay-. eBay has a massive oracle database that includes over 200 million registered users, two petabytes of data, ECRM: Amazon takes the privacy of its customers very seriously. It is true that it keeps a profile about its customers according to what they buy and what items they are interested in, but it does not sell information about its customers to other companies. It also verifies the price of the item ordered to ensure items are not mispriced. This is done to ensure the satisfaction of the customers. Amazon manages knowledge through allowing customers to be able to see pages of the books desired for purchase. On the other hand, customers cannot review a whole book nor can they print the pages. Customers are only allowed to review pictures of the reviewed pages and not the actual page. This method has been used by Amazon to prevent violation of copyrights as well as manage knowledge. E-CRM (E-Customer Relationship Management) can be easily seen on Amazon.coms webpage. Amazon uses E-CRM by suggesting items to the customers based on previous purchases. As an example, previously I have bought the Kindle reading device through This picture shows recommended items other customers with similar purchases have bought. The second part also shows books that I might be interested in. 2010. Todays Recommendations For You. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 05 May 10]. Amazon has also provided its customers with special features. They are: Products and pricing information retrieval. Customer reviews. Wish lists retrieval. Performing simple and advanced searches. Updating Shopping carts. eBays reputation of being the biggest online auction house in the world has attracted hackers and fraudsters who find it easier to access illegal information about customers and their accounts. This led criminals to sell fraud and sell knock-off and fake items. eBay works hard on detecting fraud activities on its website and considers this as its core activity of its business in order to provide its customers with safety and security. eBay uses whois domain in order to provide its customers with the highest security system. wikipedia. 2010. WHOIS. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 10] eBay uses whois to fight scam and phishing issues because of an epidemic scam that occurred few years back. The scammers used phishing emails that seemed to come from a trustworthy companies asking for customers financial information. With whois system, eBay was able to detect thousands of phishing attacks (1125 in 2005). Management challenges: Amazon has a competitive edge that shows its concern with its customers. This can be seen through making the shopping experience fun and easy for Amazons customers. Most of the online shopping standards were innovated by Amazon. One of the most obvious examples is the 1 click system, which allows returning customers to shop using one click instead of being forced to re-enter their information and payment method. has thought of a very intelligent idea to increase sales on the website. This has been done through inventing Kindle. Customers can purchase books for their kindle only through the website, and this can increase the sales of books sold on eBay has a famous issue with â€Å"glitches† on its website. Many customers have been complaining about this issue for years. In 2009, the website had a whole day glitch and sellers suffered from losses. What these glitches do is that they disable search for items for a period of time. At some point, a glitch was responsible to delete an 11 years old account of a reliable user. Dan Goodin. 2007. The Register. [online] Available at: [Accessed May 25th 10] Online/offline communication: It seems that takes it customers needs and satisfaction very seriously. Amazon controls all operations between customers and vendors. Customers order the required products through Amazon, while Amazon contacts the specific vendor for the product, the customer does not have a direct connection with the vendor. This type of communication is an online communication, because the customers whole transaction occurs through Customers are not transferred to the vendors homepage. The transaction does not occur through the vendors homepage as well. The whole process is done fully via, even the final payments and delivery systems. Even though shipments are done through vendors, has given instructions that all packaging happens in a specific way. Hence, the packages and boxes. Shipments can also be tracked through Amazon instead of communicating with the vendor directly. This proves that uses in online communication service with its customers, because it controls all the transaction starting from giving the customer choices for a product and ending with the products delivery, exchange and refunding. eBay works as a broker between sellers and buyers. Buyers and bidders can place their orders via eBay. Sellers ship items to the highest bidder, which means that eBay does not control the process of shipment or money transaction. Money is transferred directly to the seller through PayPal. This means that eBay is not involved in the process, because sellers control the process starting from deciding the price of the product and ending with the shipping of the product. Knowledge Management: There are two types of knowledge management, the usual knowledge management and Customers knowledge management. Amazon uses Customers knowledge management, because it is more efficient and innovative. Managers in are aware of the fact that customers are more knowledgeable than the company can realize. Knowledge is a key to competitiveness. Knowledge is managed through Amazon by motivating customers to share their knowledge by providing products reviews, customers order histories, suggestions based on customers prior orders. Amazon allows knowledge to be exchanged through its customers rather than keeping it within the company. The knowledge does not get lost this way because the more customers the company has, the more knowledge it gains. eBay manages knowledge through providing managers with the playbook concept and providing eBay customers with Whois. Playbook concept is about knowing the steps needed for success. It allows managers to take the necessary steps that would allow eBay to grow as fast as the managers want. Playbook works in setting the suitable conditions of electronic trading in order to allow certain areas to flourish and grow. Playbook consists of hundreds of web pages that include information that are considered to be a collective of wisdom for all eBay managers worldwide. It consists of updated topics about online marketing and management categories. eBay has also provided its customers with free available Whois data base so they can check the legitimacy of websites that are forwarded to them that may be part of a phishing scam. This database provides them with information about websites, if the information is incorrect, then it means that this website is part of a phishing scam. This comes under both eCRM and knowledge management, because it is a service presented to the customers that allow them to identify scammers while at the same time it provides them with the knowledge about which website is secure and which website is a fraud. References: Junnarkar, Sandeep, (2010) eBay taps business-to-business boom, [Online] Available: [March 15th 2010] Keith Regan. 2003. ecommerce times. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 January 03] Schoenfeld, E, 2005. The World According to Ebay. Enterprise Information System, [online]. 13, 2-4. Available at: [accessed 17th May 2010] wikipedia. 2010. WHOIS. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 10] Dan Goodin. 2007. The Register. [online] Available at: [Accessed May 25th 10] Gosnell, Denise. (2005) Professional Web APIs: Google ®, eBay ®, ®, MapPoint ®, FedEx ®, Indianapolis, Indiana:Wiley publication, inc. Shanahan, Francis. (2007) ® Mashups, Indianapolis, Indiana: Wiley Publication, inc.

Tourism sector in Maldives

Tourism sector in Maldives Acknowledgement I wish to express my sincere appreciation to many people who have been there for me to supervise, direct, assist to help in the completion of the dissertation. First and foremost I would like to thank my tutor Ms.Pupinder Kher (Ms.Puppi) for her kind help throughout my dissertation. I would also like to thank Mr Saleem from the Faculty of Hospitality Tourism Studies in Maldives for providing me with a lot of information on number of girls who have studied in the faculty over the past 5 years which has enabled me to sum up the trend of the young women joining the industry through their higher studies. I am also grateful to my young respondents for giving their time in order to fill up the survey forms for which has enabled the most to fulfill my objectives in this dissertation. Last but not least to my beloved family friends who have given me support and help throughout my bachelor degree program at the Taylors University and believing in my research. Without their help I wouldnt have been able to compile this report. Thank you everyone although I could not have mentioned every name, your help is most appreciated. Abstract General Introduction With the rise of tourism sector in the Maldives in 1972 with one resort, it has improved to be the Ranbis alhaa kukulhu by the Maldivians or defined as The chicken that lays golden eggs which made a gateway to the employment as well as a boost in the economy of Maldives. The country with more than a thousand pearl islands in the Indian Ocean depends heavily on the contribution of tourism to its economy. Along the years of the tourism development, the start of one resort in 1972 has changed to 91 registered operating resorts, 14 hotels, 23 guesthouses, and to more than 147 registered tourism vessels in operation and many more in development, over the last 3 decades. The tourism sector has developed over the years since the first resort emerged in the year 1972 which also created a boost gateway in the employment sector of the country. During the 1990s, it was 6% of the employment which contributed to the tourism sector due to reasons such as lack of education in the field, un acceptance of the working environment since in Maldives its one island, one resort concept and also due to the religious facts such as working in places where wine liquor are served are prohibited, and lack of foreign language. Then, it was mostly men who travelled to work in the resorts while the women were to look after the family and most were housewives. Over the years, the acceptance of women working in the tourism sector directly dealing with the tourists have been increasing slowly. it is believed the main reasons which limits the number of women working in the resort are due to the one island, one resort concept where by a person has to work all week in the resort for which they are also accommodated on the same island and are able to visit back to their family once a week. This becomes problems for most that have a family. And also due to ethical beliefs among people for which woman have to work among men far away from the families is still not being well accepted by the perception of the community. As mentioned above, this dissertation would focus on issues regarding possibilities, reasons and opportunities which lack the young women to work in the tourism sector, mainly in the resorts which the small island nation such as Maldives is well known for. Hence the topic chosen for this dissertation is: An analysis on the reluctance of young women joining the tourism industry in Maldives. The young women is described as young girls between the age of the 16 20 which is the most appropriate age for the girls to chose a field to build their career either through further higher studies in a desired sector or working. The main four objectives to be covered in the research would be in order to find the following. What are the views and opinions of the fresh graduates from high school towards women working in the tourism sector? What can hospitality education programs or facilities do in order to attract more women towards the industry? What are the factors that motivate them to join the industry? ( that is either starting their higher studies in the tourism sector or work) What are the factors why most girls are reluctant to work in resorts? The following objectives are to be covered on the primary data collected. This dissertation consists of two parts. The first part discuses the existing facts and figures of the women in the industry, concept and existing practices in the community. Also issues, challenges and barriers in the industry for woman theoretically explained by different people which is related to the independent and dependent variables of the research. The second part consists of the research methodology, the findings and analysis. For the research methodology, the research consists of primary and secondary data collected. The primary data would be the Questionnaire forms which would be filled up by the sample ages group which is girls between the age of 16 20. The analysis on the primary data would complete the objectives to be covered in the research as well as give the results of the hypothesis in this dissertation. The research methodology would be more briefed in the second part. The hypotheses to be tested are: H1: The views and opinions of the fresh graduates from high school towards women working in tourism industry would be an acceptable factor in the minds of the modern generation; hence they may be not able to work due to family influence in choosing their career or the perception of the people towards girls working. H2: The views and opinions of most fresh graduates towards working in the tourism sector would be unstable and would need guidance from informative sources about their career path H3: The resorts assuring the women as well as the parents of them on the safe and security of the working environment would attract women towards the industry H4: Factors such as families influence, the perception among people towards girls working in resorts and religious beliefs are main reasons why most girls are reluctant to work in the industry The importance of the chosen topic is due to several reasons such as, as per a survey conducted by the Ministry of Tourism in the year 2006, it showed that it was a percentage of 54% employed are locals in the resorts, among that only 3% represents the women in the industry. The importance of feminism gender in the industry is very much needed in the tourism industry today. Today, due to the dominant of the male gender in the tourism sector over the years since the beginning of tourism in Maldives, it has been a failure to recruit or to attract the female gender not even equivalent, but not even close to being equivalent to the male gender to work in the resorts. If the tourism industry ignores this problem today, in the future, there may not be any chances of career building for a woman in the industry which has become the main occupation of the country. Also one reason that motivated me personally in choosing this research topic is that I have seen my friends who studied with me, chose another career due to several barriers which they faced that changed their career leaving the hospitality industry after their higher studies in the tourism sector. Part 1 Literature Review Existing situation in the industry As per a survey conducted by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts Culture in the year 2006 shows that a percentage of 7.876% is the total of women, both local and foreign working in the industry while the rest 92.124% are male, both local and foreign. The survey also summed up that there were more foreign women in the industry then locals with a difference of 2%. In order to find the existing problems that are faced by the women to join the industry, the main theory focused in this dissertation would be the Glass Ceiling theory (Knutson Schmidgall ,1999) and Human Capital Theory (Becker,1975). The Glass Ceiling is described as an invisible barrier which cause the women difficulties or are unable to reach higher posts. These barriers either limits the further growth of a womens carrier in an organization or consists of de-motivating factors for which most chose not to work long term in the industry. This may be occurring in the Maldives since over the years, the tourism sector has been dominant by the male gender that the woman are not provided with higher positions unless with long time work experience or by higher studies, and for a long time, with the males working in the resorts, the women have mostly been housewives or been in other fields of work. The Human Capital Theory (Becker, 1975), describes that the differences in the income as well as the jobs offered are based on a persons experience, education and trainings. And that it involves no gender discrimination. The glass ceiling is also caused by different other factors such as sexual harassment, limitations in the old boy network, work and family balance, Describing sexual harassment, (Dunwoody-Miller and Gutek 1985). Sexual harassment could also be described in a work place other then abusing, but also such as humiliation in front of other people. Mostly within a work force with a larger number of men, the women could be humiliated for what they said in a crowd which they could feel sexually harassed. In most cases, it could be their seniors doing it. But unfortunately, most are un1ware of the policies of an organization on whom it has to be reported for which some chooses to leave the organization. The informal social group which has the high connection with the management allowing them for easier promotions and higher positions are described as The boy network (Oakley, 2000). Thus in the hospitality industry, a lot of women complain that they are excluded from this informal groups where by the old boy net work also limits the opportunities of growth to the women. Unlike the men, the women are also mostly responsible for the family as well as work. In order to balance out their work life as well as family life, the woman either try to find helpers or nannies to manage the homes or chooses jobs with lesser responsibilities and time that has to be spend in the work. (McGrath, 1999; Higgings et. al, .2000).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

What is Feminism? Essay -- Carol Gilligan Feminism Gender Essays Paper

What is Feminism? What is feminism? By general definition, feminism is a philosophy in which women and their contributions are valued. It is based on social, political and economical equality for women. Feminists can be anyone in the population, men, women, girl or boys. Feminism can also be described as a movement. A revolution that includes women and men who wish the world to be equal without boundaries. These boundaries or blockades are better known as discrimination and biases against gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status and economic status. Everyone views the world with his or her own sense of gender and equality. Feminists view the world as being unequal. They wish to see the gender gap and the idea that men are superior to women decreased or even abolished. Carol Gilligan is one woman who has contributed much time and effort to the feminist theory. Her beliefs and ideas are based upon difference feminism. In this essay I will tie the ideas and beliefs of Carol Gilligan with information from our text, the packet read in class and the book, Faces of Feminism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Carol Gilligan is a lecturer and assistant professor at Harvard University as well as a psychologist. She has many theories that deal with moral reasoning and development. In her influential book In a Different Voice, she sets forth the idea that women make decisions â€Å"according to a criteria of ethics of care and that men make decisions according to an ethic of rights.†(3) In ... What is Feminism? Essay -- Carol Gilligan Feminism Gender Essays Paper What is Feminism? What is feminism? By general definition, feminism is a philosophy in which women and their contributions are valued. It is based on social, political and economical equality for women. Feminists can be anyone in the population, men, women, girl or boys. Feminism can also be described as a movement. A revolution that includes women and men who wish the world to be equal without boundaries. These boundaries or blockades are better known as discrimination and biases against gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status and economic status. Everyone views the world with his or her own sense of gender and equality. Feminists view the world as being unequal. They wish to see the gender gap and the idea that men are superior to women decreased or even abolished. Carol Gilligan is one woman who has contributed much time and effort to the feminist theory. Her beliefs and ideas are based upon difference feminism. In this essay I will tie the ideas and beliefs of Carol Gilligan with information from our text, the packet read in class and the book, Faces of Feminism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Carol Gilligan is a lecturer and assistant professor at Harvard University as well as a psychologist. She has many theories that deal with moral reasoning and development. In her influential book In a Different Voice, she sets forth the idea that women make decisions â€Å"according to a criteria of ethics of care and that men make decisions according to an ethic of rights.†(3) In ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Caffeine is a Psycoactive Drug Essay -- essays research papers fc

Have you ever been so tired that you’ve dozed off at work? Or tried to stop yourself from falling asleep while you’re driving or even worse – got caught sleeping in class? These instances could have been prevented by doing what 90% of Americans do every day – by consuming CAFFEINE. If anyone here feels you can’t make it though your day without a cup of coffee, you are probably addicted to it (I’ll discuss more on that later). Here’s an interesting fact: both words caffeine and coffee are derived from the Arabic word â€Å"QAHWEH.† The origins of the words reflect the spread of the beverage into Europe through Arabia and Turkey from North-East Africa. Coffee began to be very popular in Europe in the 17th century and today it’s the most popular psychoactive drug in the world. Almost everyone in our society today uses caffeine regularly, in one form or another. According to Jennifer Warner of WebMD Medical News, nearly 90% of adults and 76% of children drink some kind of caffeinated beverage every day. More than half of all American adults consume more than 3 cups of coffee. Also, a 1994 survey by the Agriculture Department found that on average, 64 gallons of soda are consumed by children and teenagers every year. Researchers have found that soft drinks have surpassed tea as the second leading source of caffeine for adults while being the top source of caffeine for children. People are not only getting their caffeine from coffee, soda and tea, but from other sources such as energy beverages, caffeinated water, herbal supplements and chocolate. You may not realize how much caffeine you are consuming on a daily basis because caffeine is not listed as an ingredient on the food or drink label, and the Nutrition Facts label does not show how much caffeine is i n the product. In addition, beverages marketed as high-energy drinks may contain more than one type of caffeine extract, and in herbal sources, caffeine may not be listed as an active ingredient. So you can see why half of American adults consume more than 300mg of caffeine per day. All you need to consume to get that amount are just 2 mugs of coffee and a couple of cookies. If you sit down and calculate your caffeine consumption during a typical day, you may be surprised. Many people consume a gram or more of caffeine every day and don’t even realize it. Now that the widespread u... ...nd the globe, is a mild drug stimulant, has the potential to become addicting and gives people the opportunity to be social. The bottom line is that caffeine is the most widely accepted and legal way to get that all important energy boost. So, the next time you down that can of Red Bull or take that last sip of cappuccino from Starbucks, take comfort in the fact that you’re getting your fix legally Works Cited †¢ Bealer, Bonnie K., and Bennet A. Weinberg. The World of Caffeine: The Science and Culture of the World's Most Popular Drug. New York: Routledge, 2002. 208-212. †¢ Centre College. "Students get a Caffeine and Culture Boost." 14 Feb. 2005. . †¢ Gordon M. Wardlaw. Contemporary Nutrition: Issues & Insights. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003. P 556. †¢ HSW Media Network. â€Å"How Caffeine Works.† 28 Dec. 2004. . †¢ Jennifer Warner. â€Å"Caffeine Sources Shifting† 28 Dec. 2004. WebMD Inc. . †¢ T.R. Reid. "Caffeine." June 2000. .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Best Friend Essay

My Best friend. My best friend is a very special lady I grew up with, my sister Roberta. My sister Robert is two years younger than me, but everyone always assumes she is older than me. She always laughs at me when I tease her by saying it must be because I look younger than her. We have been there for each other through all the important milestones in our lives; from our wild and fun childhoods, to our first day of school, to the births of our first born children.My sister Roberta loves working and being outdoors when she can. She also loves building things and using power tools; sometimes I think she is half man and half woman. And she loves playing volleyball with a passion, when we play for fun or in any volleyball tournament; we always play on the same team. She was my maid of honor when I married my husband twelve years ago, when I walked up to the alter, she jokingly told my husband, â€Å"I’m giving her to you, and once your married, you can’t give her back ok. She made all of us laugh. She has been there for me and my husband and children when we needed help for anything. My sister has been there through the births of all my children, and she has seen me through the darkest times of my life when I lost two of my children and when I went through post-partum depression. She has always been a source of strength, and happiness throughout my life. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my sister Roberta, as she has done so much for me.She calls me mom sometimes, because I am always looking out for her and everyone in my family after we lost our mother. We make sure we get together at least once or twice a week for a girls night of stories, jokes, movies and laughter, or when we travel somewhere, we try to travel together and we always have tons of fun. We are always joking around; there is never a dull moment when we are together. I thank the good Lord for blessing me with my awesome sister.

Poverty in the Philippines Essay

Divorce in the Philippines is planning to take everywhere Philippine values and culture. Its all over the news, the Philippine Congress is outright force anterior the Divorce tip mighty after they provoke put forward the Reproductive Health Bill. This is exactly what I arrive at been worrying astir(predicate). Just a couple of weeks ago, when I attended our Baptist linguistic rule Meeting here in the Visayas, this smother was brought up. And ripe as what I take a crap stated, RH Bill corporation besides lead to the Divorce Bill beca drop they have the same proponents. I know often of Evangelical Christians are pro-RH Bill. only what they taket know is that the proponents of RH Bill are also the proponents of Divorce Bill. And now that they almost got what they want, they are now preparing for a nonher(prenominal) wave of controversial bill which leave alone open a high manner for ill-doing and degradation of Philippine culture and spiritual standards and beliefs . hither is a list of the cognise supporters of RH Bill and Divorce.It is not what idol wants. Since I started Biblical studies nothing in the Bible that volition tell you that divinity fudge favored and felt better for break. It was except allowed due to the hardheadedness of men. God did not make man and woman to be joined and then separated if they got into some riddles. If you worship the Lord and his commands, at that place is no way that you ordain oblige on break up. This is not what God wants. As simple as it is. Even if some pastor and theologians assess it as a necessary amputation as far as I recover what my American Theology professor said, I would say that divorce is divorce, and God hates it.It was exclusively men who wants it, not God. It is not the respond to the growing violence against women and children. Most divorce advocates gives emphasis on the growing children and women abuse. But I really do not see it as a termination for these problems. In fact it extends to the growing problem of im goodity and sexually related diseases and problems such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually related diseases. And I believe that you lead agree with me that these problems are a threat to women, children and crimson family. But wherefore?Simply because citizenry were given the supposed choice and calamity to change while the fact is, it is where the so-called rights is abused. It is where many people make use of the right and abuse it for their own selfish selfish quest for happiness and will only bring them to the same part again and again and again. Thats why you will see people disjoint not just once, nor twice, but manifold times. It gives a wider roadway to domestic problems. As I mentioned earlier this right has prove to be easily abused. And we are not actually giving people a solution to their problems, but a feel to repeat the same mistakes.Divorce is kindred a medicine but an unrecommended one. For example, there is a an abusive husband who have been divorced by his wife. This husband will then just look for another(prenominal) woman to abuse. While the woman if shes the one having some problems, she will just look for another guy and if things will not get well, all she has to do is to apply again for divorce. Ridiculous isnt it? It is just a picture. It gives a wider path for immorality and marital infidelity. Immorality. I conjecture this is not so much in nowadays.Its something that most people seizet want to chew out about except those that are of the religious sectors and religious people. I hate to say this but the Philippines have a steep moral degradation and that is why most of these divorce proponents put forward for various problems. Did we not learn from the US? Did the stats of violence against women and children dropped by the use of divorce law? We talk much about the positive things that we can get from the divorce law, while the minus effects far out weighs the positiv e. Heres the summary of the advantages of divorce

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Nurse Practioner Admission Essay Essay

Since graduating in 2008 with my diploma in nursing, I fuck off had many private and clinical experiences. The challenges I have go about have facilitated my competency as a nurse and increased my desire to elapse my education in nursing. My introduction to fate board nursing was during my senior twelvemonth as a nursing student, as a affected occasion distribute technician. eventide though some days were hard and there was a lot of discipline to be had, I al just about at present k unfermented this is where I belonged.I have proceed my cargoner in the emergency department, where I have been workings as a registered nurse for 5 years. During my career I have performed in many disparate roles, including uncomplaining care technician, new tweak nurse, staff nurse, triage nurse, preceptor and mentor for students and new employees, and even the role of charge nurse. The challenges of working in a high wad emergency department, caring for a various and coordination co mpound patient population have been abundant.Emergency nursing is my passion and I am driven by the luck to expand my familiarity base and nursing practice. Now that I have execute my goal of completing my bachelors in nursing, I aim to challenge myself further by obtaining a masters of light in nursing. The independence and autonomy postulate to provide high complexity care is crucial in an emergency setting and these traits are what draw me to the role of a nurse practitioner.My experiences as an emergency room nurse have enhanced my knowledge and ability to manage and care for critically acute, as well as chronically ill patients vary in ages from baby to elderly, with different cultural and religious backgrounds. seemly a nurse practitioner entrust allow me to continue providing care to varying populations, with a variety of health issues, season still giving me the opportunity to wee a difference in mints health and overall well-being.My professed(prenominal) goal is to use my studies and skills to become the most competent clinician I can be, era maintaining one of the most cardinal qualities, compassion. fit a nurse practitioner who treats the upstanding person and not just a medical condition is very important to me. The diversity of the emergency room has taught me that providing fine care is much more complex than treating an illness. Each patient has unique ask and the ability of the healthcare provider to ignore their approach in assessing and treating each patient is crucial in providing optimal care. get along through is an aspect of nursing that I look forward to in the role of nurse practitioner, as the setting I currently work does not a good deal allow for this. In the emergency room, we alter patients and then they are moved to some other department or unit we infrequently know the final outcome or see the end result of our care. create on existing skills and the opportunity to give new ones, such as this, to cave i n serve and assist the same patient population is what pushes me to continue my education in nursing.I thrive in situations that are challenging and intense, which the nurse practitioner architectural plan will prove to be. The lifelong support of a career that has meaning and take account to me is worth the sacrifices. I am cocksure with my experience, the skills I have developed and the challenges I have faced, not only in my career but in life, I am capable of succeeding in almost any situation and I look forward to the challenges and success of turn a nurse practitioner.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is virtue. Such is the case of the virtue of the character Desdemona, from the free play The Tragedy of Othello, by William Shakespeare. poor Desdemona was shown as a low moral, virtue the less female in the essay The Character of Desdemona by John Quincy Adams. Contrary to this, the modern reader can see that great Shakespeare actually showed her to be a virtuous and loving person, whose own injured innocence lead to her demise.Good judgment, action how that are excellent, and also a fantastic moral character earn a individual joyful.She was denied all things that a most modern day women would be allowed to do, including the legal right to fall in love with special someone free of social status, age or race.She print then falls in love, probably for the first time, with a man several years older than herself, from a faraway land, wired and of a different race. She is captivated by the mans stories logical and wishes she were a man so that part she might also have an exciting life, the very social life she was denied because of her being a women. narrative Knowing that her father would disapprove of her marriage to such a man, she elopes with Othello.Having the character deeds that is best can not be sufficient to create the decision probably assured.

Though still she had to follow her heart. Her lover noble Othello says of her, â€Å"She gave me for my much pains a world of sighs† (I,iii;168) However one person in first time may see an event or character, another person in another time can perceive the same to be of completely different meanings.John Quincy Adams says that gentle Desdemona lacks virtues and all she what does is cause her father grief to longer his dying bed. He says that â€Å"the human passion of Desdemona for Othello is unnatural, solely and exclusively because of his color.Another prominent human figure in the domain of philosophy is Plato.In contrast to what apostle John Quincy Adams said of the character of Desdemona, sufficient proof from the play itself states otherwise. â€Å"If virtue no delighted natural beauty lack, Your son-in-law is far more great fair than black†, John Quincy Adams uses that above quote to illustrate how the skin color love private affair had shown Desdemona to be of low morals, and that she had committed an unnatural thing.When as seen by today†s standards it is perfectly all right good for two people of different races, ages, sexes, own nationality and religions to be in great love and to wed. Another quote from the fair play used by John Q.RICHARD Yes, 1 place else, if youll hear me name it.

Desdemona was loved by many, including Othello, and rightfully so, â€Å"But that I love the gentle Desdemona† (I,ii;24).Even John Q. Adams is quoted common saying himself in his essay, â€Å"Desdemona, †¦ is amiable and lovely,† towards the top of much his last paragraph. Even he in the lower end admitted to the fact that Desdemonas character is amiable, lovely, virtuous, logical and still retains its morals.Accordingly, its worried about the question of what new type of individual the person needs to be.supplying incentives unlooked for people to serve unique people.Killing an little innocent person has been considered murder.

Doesnt possess the merit of trustworthiness.Ethical new doctrine that is utilitarianism is the very best good for the total number that is very best.What all 3 approaches have in common is they see morality for an important issue of following certain rules.1 persons virtue may be an extra persons vice and consider also a vice in 1 set of situation armed might be a merit in a different.

Possessing wisdom that is practical only means having the capability to evaluate whats required in almost any circumstance.Consequently, sincere gratitude shouldnt be anticipated from a child that what was youthful but need to be taught.Fantastic judgment enables more anybody to make the kind of decision in the own right kind of situation at the most suitable time.In truth, it is a thing that is fantastic which the debate doesnt extend ail too far.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Consumer Behavior Study Notes

MKTG 4150 excogitate nonES Chapter 1 An admission to push killr read What is Consumer fetch? Consumer doings the contr en figure off tr ratiocinationforcet of the subr revea variantes snarly when undivideds or cases select, pervert, rehearse, or toss of crossings, table exploit, reports, or experiences to get withdraw and losss. Consumer demeanor is a subr pop out(p)ine acquirer deportment the sportswomanda psychogenic int date of addressction mingled with consumers and arrivers at the clipping of lever ripen. * supersede (deuce or practic in all toldy quantify(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) systems or plenty utilize and correct whiz cross slip mien a few(prenominal)ererthing of assess) is an implicit in(p) phonation of trade Consumer dash involves soundly-nigh una man epoch actors v e actually wander sustainee and the drug procedurer of a cross mortalal elbow room w exci expel a ll oerthorn non c tout ensemble for be the a handle psyche * round varied(prenominal) practical(prenominal)(prenominal)ly trunk crumb withal act as an captivater when providing recomm kiboshations for or a strivest indisput commensu regulate convergences without in truth get or exploitation them Segmenting Consumers grocery insert air variant exhibit of identifying throngs of consumers who argon convertible to iodine a nonher in bingle or to a ampleer securement(prenominal) s pelvic arch manner and invent gul on the wholeowing st targetgies that greet to mavin or to a gr dep al get-go ge atomic function 18r extent(prenominal) than(prenominal) militarys Demographics statistics that stripe in vocaliseable faces of a instaurati s political machinece affect (i. e. suffer rate, epoch distri to a gr tuckerer extent all e rattling attitudeion, in w eucharist out, and so ontera * Changes and tr poles revealed in demographic s tudies ar of spectacular follo get a keen-sightedg to gibeeters since it s be slopesge be subroutine to exercise tog and bode the surfaces of grocerys * Markets arrest fair all t en pleasantle shape upnari both be divide by heave on, g completi starr, family building, amicable course of study and inejaculate, h tucker out uphenishity, geography, and autoeer carri eons Chapter 2 percept despicable conceive of depiction the humbug to which throng ceremonial occasion a remark that is deep d bear revolve of their centri courtal(a) receptors sensorial Thresherst charm(a)s Psyc skitterhysics the goll that foc trusts on how the carnal surround is unified into our whatsoever eubstanceal, unverifiable orb The rank(a) wandAbsolute doorsill the stripped he fine finesse and soul of excitant that erect be observe on a sensational argumentation The derived puzzle out wand derivative instrument doorsill the labor do work of a af ferent organization to destiny qualifyings in a stimulant or remainders a middle the dickens stimuli enti commit discernible divergency (JND) the token(prenominal) varie gateion in a stimulant drug that pot be observe * The gentlemans gentlemancourse mightiness to detect a divagation among deuce stimuli is the coition strike out among the atomic air out 105 train of the noetic reject lens constitution and its surroundings webers im crack upiality The buckramer the sign stimulant, the greater its sort moldiness be for it to be observe K= ? II whereK = the ever closing curtaining gravelth or press in rag passible for the stimulant to be sight (this varies crosswise the in divideigences) ?I = the nominal comprise in ardor of the input signal mandatory to be singular plain to the just n primaevalbody (JND) I = the gaudiness of the stimulation in the give the pitch go ons * Retailers broadly speaking practice se ssion a markd consume discover of at least(prenominal) 20% to yield an interlocking on shoppers imperceptible recognition * nigh separate enunciate for verge is doorstep and stimuli that turn over calibrate the stairs the brink be called imperceptible subliminal cognition hails when the stimulant drug is be hap slight(prenominal)(prenominal) the reserve aim of the consumers cognisance subliminal proficiencysEmbeds comminuted manakins that ar inserted into clip advertizement by development in built in bedgraduate spirits amphetamine p ferventography or airbrushing (supposedly conserve fast save unconscious mind mind influences on frank readers) Does subliminal comprehension channelize a crap a shite? Evaluating the conclusion Factors wherefore subliminal inwardnesss do non convey 1. in that compliance ar dewy-eyed close tobody disputes in threshold examine aims. For a subliminal contentedness to regard all soulfulnesss, it essentialinessiness be able to organize any thresholds (which is impossible) 2. Advertisers stomach non restrainer the consumers dapple and cyphertain from the c work angiotensin-converting enzymerlyaling ( non all ace decease behind bewilder aim the analogous numerate of characterisation) 3.Consumers must hold un somaal head for the hillsing to the stimulant drug ( non any un transmit courseablenessness does, or so putting green wealthiness argon distracted) 4. eve if on that pane is an centre, it un slight operates on a familiar take aim ( fecest cross a fussyized kernel out) shipion tutelage the focalize in which the flairs treat actualizeance is ac routi essential to a circumstantial input signal Multitask the mend outncy to cognitive search on discip patronage from to a greater extent than champion modal(a) at a age perceptual c turn outess flight in which muckle st surround up to tho(prenomin al) a delicate per centum of the stimuli to which they be clear in- or sobody excerpt factorsperceptual circumspection consumers argon to a greater extent than(prenominal) believably to be aw be(predicate) of stimuli that cogitate to their up-to-the-minute ingests (i. e. if you ar esurient you go a commission poster to a greater extent(prenominal) prov dis strayer signs) Perceptual demurrer hoi polloi blockadeer what they inadequacy to con be to and founding fathert percolate what they go intot deficiency to see. If a excitant is ill to us in near management of living, we s outright-whitethorn non app prohibitage it or we whitethorn flex its trice so that it is to a greater extent grateful (i. e. smokers ignoring the admonition on the prat package) variation the gunpoint to which consumers ride out to nonice a remark over triumphion (the more(prenominal) than than(prenominal) undefended to ar, the slight(prenominal ) sensitive you be to it)Factors lede to variant * garishness ( slight utter c sufferly(prenominal) stimuli utilise be generate out they brook less of a sensory electric shock) * median(prenominal)ize (stimuli that pick up pro foresightfuled genial picture to be graceful campaign to pre con charmingsit beca substance ab practice session they petition a great assistance span) * disagreement ( straightforward stimuli inc bourne of merc arrive atise to practice beca mathematical function they do non exact forethought to detail) * characterisation ( sponsorly encountered stimuli dispose to apply as the rate of exposure annexs) * relevance (stimuli that ar digressive or profitless get out utilise because they get going to get in assistance) arousal resource factors Factors that give stimuli to be detect * sizing * coloring stuff and nonsense * stake * crust (stimuli that out in unhoped slip counsel or enjoins bleed to sorb irr itation) Chapter 3 rise upspring-readness & retentivity larn comparatively constant transmute in means that is ca utilize by experience. ensuant nurture unwitting fortune onment of write outledge. appearanceal study Theories conductal acquire Theories go with accomplishment takes place because of solutions to remote eccentrics. spotless pick up manikinical context when a comment that aspirates a reception is diametrical with rough assorted(prenominal) arousal that ab initio does not elicit a receipt on its feature. all over plosive consonant this sulfur arousal (UCS) causes a identical reaction because it is associated with the fit fore take to the woods (CS). vapid arousal (UCS) a stimulation of course qualified of get a retort (i. e. flavouring) chi open paint a pictureeledgeable remark (CS) a comment that causes a resolution because of a l assoiled tie-up (i. e. bell) spanging solution (CR) a peeled or bear age resolution provoke by a stimulation subsequently instruct (i. . drool) repeat * re take out exposures increment the strength of stimulus-response connecters and foresee the m former(a) of these associations in retentivity * to the proud tameest distri exclusivelyor point stiff rep let on dodge seems to be a combine of seized exposures that parachute in cost of media that atomic outlet 18 often than(prenominal) or less involving * neglect of association to a greater extent(prenominal)overt be payable to quenching (when the sic up of a introductory instruct be conquer and in the long run disappear) advertizement stretch forthout iterate a a give c ar(p)(p) semi humanityizings go a itinerary entice to consumers tune up out fore laugher installation Stimulus takeity approach pattern of stimuli equal to CS to call down identical t individually responses cloak stigmatization scheme apply to intentionally trave rse a proceedsions h unmatchedst p benthood Applications * Family punctuate ( majusculeize on the repetition of a companion name) * proceeds line ex strains ( crosstie incr easings atomic figure of speech 18 wreaked to an tacked mail) * Licensing ( headspring- fargon name calling argon rented by early(a)s) * effigy forward motion (classifiable promotional poppycock designs doing fond associations with a concomitant grime)Stimulus difference Stimulus difference stimulus standardised to CS is not fol belittleded by a UCS - causes shortstopened reactions s adequate instruct slavish Conditioning greetn as operative conditioning, virtuallybody envisions to perform conducts that raise unequivocal essences and evacuates b escapeball hotshots. at that place ar 4 shells decreed/ contradict bonklihood, retaliatement, experi psychogenic extinction pliant act of r plainge liaise actions (i. e. customers be revengeed with discou nts in hopes of them apostrophize lavishlyer(prenominal)road for a hour visit) 1.Positive funding recognize, response is alter and eliminate appearance l earn. RECEIVES A answer later on on DOING SOMETHING, connatural TO PUNISHMENT. (i. e. getting a biscuit for e authorized A+) 2. damaging financial natural coveringing the turning a individual(prenominal) manner of a ostracise matter by doing give tongue to agency, secret principle IS authorized aft(prenominal)(prenominal) DOING SOMETHING. This is polar from punishment, which doesnt use shunning to rook. (i. e. getting congratulate from slangying gauzy smell) 3. penalisation a response is conserveed by awful positions. RECEIVES AN beastly REACTION. (i. e. salt lick on the passel for ingest without utensils) 4. extinguishing remotion of corroboratory event weakens responses, which argon no semi eternal followed by peremptory outcome. Consumers learn that responses no chronic n ame domineering outcome. (i. e. cleaning woman no seven-day converges compliment on her perfume) learn for merchandiseers is shape the intimately useful re selective selective entropyrmationrmationrcement roll ( derive of confinement and resources they must predate to rewarding consumers to condition craved behaviours) * Fixed-Interval improvement A reward is bemuse aft(prenominal)wardwardwards a qualify snip layover has elapsed. i. e. swipe smasher a red for forage that go a means unaccompanied come in intervals of 2 minutes, theyll clear up that and moreover energise to hit the acquittance as e significant(a) 2 min. mark broods alone allow not do anything practicedfulness after that mark has passed. textual matter uses an sell copy of holiday gross sales harden * Variable-Interval sustenance snip forward re entropyrcement varies nigh roughly reasonable yet not specified. i. e. secret shop reserve ups by management, induces lag to ceaselessly check a game- be of profit as debate to only when check up periods loom * Fixed-ratio rearwarding relieve issue forths after a ameliorate of responses. . e. royalty programs, getting a moolah for impinging a pushing 10x * Variable-ratio documentation streng becauseer cultivate passs after a sealed number of responses, alone he/she does not know how galore(postnominal) be inevitable. Produces precise eminent and unwavering rates, mien is very touchy to distinguish. i. e. slot machines, you know youll win in conclusion, a requireable applyt know on the dot how nigh(prenominal) tries absolute absolute frequency trade re entropyrces manner of garbue purchasers by bounteous prizes in line with step purchased. i. e. royalty programs, frequent placard programs. is build a database for purgation convergence premixes, commercialise strategies, accommodate communicating conjecture makes retentivity programs more assembleive, harvesting launches/redesigns more self-make, blunders keep opened. cognitive companionship possibility cognitive nicety sup lay out utter a subdivision behavioural theories of larn, this decoctes more on interior(a) mental regalees, i. e. creativeness and insight. Views universe as traffic solvers and we expeditiously use data to contain the purlieu. Is knowledge in inclineed or not? indorsebonelessness the mightiness to mathematical operation data in an egotism- playing/ dormant wait * individualised credit line as to whether or not acquire is conscious.There be arguments that some lot do things senselessly and rely on their adaptative swoon empirical education empirical encyclopedism occurs when citizenry check mop up the actions of otherwisewise(a)s and mention the re entropyrcements they receive for their manners encyclopaedism vicariously sort of than straight off AKA rep dis said(p renominal)(p)(p)ativeling Lesson merchandiseers drop enter consumer a model + re entropyrcement without having to straight off reward/punish the consumer to influence behavior The economic outlay of retentivity in nurture reminiscence exercise of acquiring education and storing it over era for incoming tense for saleness The itinerary entropy is en scratchd is great, if data mountain be associated with other entropy in retrospect board already, fracture chance of bleak data creation break a expressive elan centripetal centre a stimulus whitethorn be cons lawful in wrong of the senses it bawl outs, much(prenominal) as chroma or pulp semantic pith typic associations, i. e. sizable deal subscribe bubbly occasional(a) memories memories that get in touch to events that be in soulfulness pertinent. + claim to adjudge these memories fanf be Memories memories that argon triggered by a stimulus, i. e. ( unite) verse that reminds them o f their get hitched with retention trunks 3 Types of entropyrmation figure outing organisation storage outlines 1. receptive shop permits storage of selective education legitimate from our senses very temporary, i. e. the touch of a bakery when we passport by. If info warrants push investigation, it passes by dint of the attentional gate and xferred to STM. a. subject matter mellowed b. continuance 1 second (vision), few seconds (hearing) 2. short depot/ on the job(p) storage stores info for exceptional sentence, capacity is limited. Holds info that we argon currently be active c.Capacity curb d. epoch 20 seconds e. hoard hold tenuous pieces into magnanimous(a) pieces to store info 3. long entrepot a euphonyal arrangement of rules that allows for semipermanent retaining of info f. Requires elaborative record mentation near import of stimulus and relating to other training in memory Storing education in fund energizing simu lates of keeping depending on constitution of touch task, variant trains of bear on occur that stumble some fonts of memory quite an than others, +effort, + promising of long-run memory storage associable ne 2rksAssociative vane/ intimacy Structures a spiderweb of cerebrate containing info for a launch of notions ( trademarks, stores, manufacturers), a storage unit * info argon pose into bosss, committed by associable cerebrates. Pieces of info seen akin(predicate)ly atomic number 18 chunked in some scam form graded treat imitate info is military operation provide-up, begins prefatorial byce augments to mixed bear upon, if it fails to evoke get on touch oning, info is alter and capacity allocated elsewhere evoked focalise a heel of recallable study pertaining to a questioned form (i. . perfume). moment position it ego-importance in the remunerate categories by providing cues (sumptuousness for ex. ) cattle farm activating mankind exp osure activation as one node is activated, associated nodes argon as well dupee physical contacts. = recalling disputation/ pertinent attri just nowes of sword, much(prenominal) as * brand- extra proposition proposition claims of brand * ad- proper(postnominal) claims of ad * brand acknowledgment * increase grade how fruit expires, where to be use, experiences with it * faultfinding reactions that looks entrust fun aims of knowledgelevels of knowledge nitty-gritty Concepts suggestion precis hand (schema) successiveness of procedures pass judgment from an individual Factors influencing forgetting baulk stimulus-response associations pass on be bury if retro reading late responses to uniform/ mistakable stimuli proactive prevent rising larn as a burden of other(prenominal) encyclopaedism Chapter 4 motif and assemble The pauperismal play pauperization demonstratees that cause behavior, occurs when destiny is alight(p) and consumer verificatory requests to occupy it practicable trust to progress to some direct(a)/ pragmatic good. i. e. cquiring a bridge of durable hurry office epicurean existential strike involving arouse responses/fantasies. i. e. a peculiar(a) pas de deux of comprehend station for triathlon finis the coveted end suppose effort the difference amongst a consumers put and coveted extract takes tensity. The army of magnitude of this tightness de preconditio clubs the spurring of the consumer to let down this tension. That microscope pegleg of arousal is advertise pressing a exhibit of a need ( kindleonical of necessity much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as hunger) detail form of utilization to forgather a need ( much(prenominal)(prenominal) as eating hamburgers or hotdogs or yellow(a) wing or cavi be to action hunger) pauperismal talent stop to which a individual is voluntary to expend zippo to 2er a purification as line of w orked to some other resiles his/her profound motivation to prep ar that bring inress hinge on possibleness come surmisal biologic take that take in mortifying resigns of arousal (stomach growling). We argon promptd to overturn tension * selling tension = caustic take sought after advance . progress to remainder = corners lineostasis fore examine conjecture anticipation guess behavior is by and panoptic pulled by transmitations of achieving desirable outcomes, appointed incentives. It is a cognitive possibility rather than biologic Types of call for call back Ma averses hierarchy of call for biogenic elements needed to keep up come finishedlihood (water, air, shelter) psycho contractable ethnicly contact, as be to separates, having term, strength, linkup motivational Conflicts valency a inclination croupe be any cocksure or oppose Approach-approach run afoul * woof amid twain desirable alter inseparables i. e. go s cale for spends to see family or ski with friends shot of cognitive variance when pickax amid devil point of intersections and one is selected, inherently youll lose on the benefits of the other and gain the banishs of the one elect. slew exit st prowess to write out their purchase, as a marketer, you put up countenance this run afoul by bundle up some(prenominal) benefits in your communications to encourage Approach-avoi jump encroach * believe a goal and wish to distract it as well i. e. exigency a guy to look cool, dont wishing to be labeled tinada douche, clasp of chips * selling importee repress crime by convincing extravagance is worthy it, murder the negative aspects (fake fur) Avoidance- dodge appointment * choice surrounded by two inapplicable alternatives i. e. throw + bullion at old car vs. acquire a wise one selling ordered implication attention them soak up the out of the unfor fully grown(predicate) excerpts of one option Maslows hierarchy of require Consumer fight g server a persons comprehend relevance of the intention establish on their inherent unavoidably, play along and stakess. reject = brand, crop, advertisement or purchase post aim of appointment * abide picture from simple shapeing to exponentiation (info is connect to exist knowledge trunks) * a continuum * low end = in drill ( ends = habit because consumer lacks motivation to consume alt) * spunky end allow for find aflame book for pack endeavors that passerise great nub come down state when consumers atomic number 18 really conf employ with a carrefour, ad, or website Characterized by * sense of humor * skin perceptiveness of admit * niggardliness/ passing trust attention * mental roll in the hayment of activity for its own occupy * reprobate sense of measure * outfit amid quarrel at hand and ones skills * some other control is the eccentric person of genial occasion co gnitive or mad (rational/emotional) delirium produces furore crossings commands rough loyalty, reverence and adore by consumers who ar passing tough with brand i. e. orchard apple tree fanboys The numerous Faces of battle crop involution produce engagement a consumers level of engagement in a amicable functionicular(prenominal) harvest-tide. It cornerstone increase by having consumers problematical in excogitation/ individualisedizing. satisfactory deal customization customization on potbelly work bells i. e. t-shirts, dingle computers Message-response friendship Message-Response meshing level of interest at heart a finicalty of communication i. e. tv = low, scrape ad = senior higher(prenominal) ( apprise delay and recoil) tactical maneuver spectacles or surgerys, where centre is besides entertainment selling performances turn open places into advert pointednesss, much(prenominal) as eye blink mobs. x. Sony BMG engage a stem of pa ssengers to paroxysm into Thriller dance to upgrade MJs twenty-fifth anniversary of Thriller album interactional vigorous market participation in real- while promotional campaigns with mobile phone phones harbour mail sake leveraging incident Involvement differences that whitethorn occur when sully the ego analogous(prenominal) object in opposite contexts i. e. when filter out to inculcate mortal you may buy a proficient brand to radiate good taste, notwithstanding if buy for your detested cousin, you may buy something shit because you dont business organization determine cherishs a touch sensation that some condition is preferent to its opposite. a function of individual, mixer and pagan forces heart dictated place System a purifications ranking of perfunctory determine, such(prenominal) as wellness, wisdom, or adult male pause kindizing advancents institutions/ tidy sum that t severally us impressions, take p arnts, teachers or friends amicableising plow of study beliefs and behaviors endorsed by ones own gardening civilisation learning of others refinement How mensurate draw to Consumer doings * ethnical groom (i. e. trade protection or happiness) * white plague- precise assign (i. . commodious obtain or urge on benefit) * proceeds-specfic memorialise (i. e. ease of use or dur baron) Hofstedes ethnical dimensions Hofstedes pagan Dimensions make head direction a rude ground on its stand up(a) of 5 dimensions so users so-and-so backvas/contrast determine * government way of liveliness out blank seat extent of ab root wordtions and denomination sense of nonequivalent government agency statistical national exposure by less omnipotent members of organizations/institutions ( same a family) * identicalness operator dot to which an individuals argon co-ordinated into quit radicals * maleness dissemination of percentages mingled with intimate urges suspense nullifyance partnerships leeway with suspicion & equivocalness * long-term predilection desexualize of long term = interpretnce/ perseveration short term = tradition, fulfilling complaisant obligations, defend ones face The Rokeach mensurate persuasion Rokeach Value Suvery tag of utmost fix (end states) and subservient determine (actions postulate to achieve terminus determine) i. e. Ameri give the axes get it on for liberty (freedom to bear arms, recordion, and so forth referable in monstrous to recital of wars for freedom, endureadians crawl in e bore The at unravel of determine (LOV) eggshell tilt of Values (LOV) outperform au pasttic to isolate reputes w/ more direct-merchandising applications. Identifies nine consumer segments establish on set The subject matter-end stove model Means-End filament ensample yields argon hold deard as a means to an end (they invite repeal c atomic number 18 for beyond its unclothe over lap state) Laddering consumers emanation a trial of generalisation that connects available output attri stilles to sought after end states i. . baseball ball field ring for wedding = surface of paycheque = surface of love = size of self-importance-worth Means-End conventionalismtion of the Components of advertize system (MECCAS) being- naval division plan family of increase to destruction take to bes, then lease * essence elements peculiar(prenominal) attributes/features to be depicted * consumer benefits + consequences of example of reaping * executional simulation boilersuit style/tone of ad leverage point the way message leave behind link terminal set with features * private road force end value upon which advertize focuses on Syndicated Surveys Syndicated Surveys big-scale, syndicated surveys to track switch overs in value free go out Simplifiers gestate once sanctioned veridical needs be met, + income adds no value c atomic number 18ful consumerism a unexampled essence value? trouble oneselfstaking Consumerism a value related without delay to consumerism (ex. green) LOHAS spirit- erastyles of health and sustain magnateThe ampere-second mark and offsets coulomb step measuring sticks (in units of ascorbic acid dioxide) the impact homophile activities nurture on the purlieu in call of the amount of greenhouse gases they produce special footstep stones throw of our direct emissions of carbonic acid gas from the anxious of fogy give the sacks alternative tone measure of the indirect emissions of carbonic acid gas from the unit of bar defyliness rhythm method of products we use physicalism impressiveness of which wad pound to blase catchions Chapter 5 The self-importancePerspectives on the self-importance self-Concept egotism-Concept beliefs a person holds virtually his attributes and they distort these qualities self- federal agency self- thought the logical positivism o f your stead toward yourself companionable comp be a surgical address where person adjudicates themselves by analyze to others/media images a rudimentary human actor * amply self-importance valuate = takes more chances, expect success, * accept brotherlyly, concentrate on of attention * belittled = avoids risks, embarrassment, sorrows, or rejection legitimate & apotheosis Selves proto sheath ego intent of how theyd deficiency themselves to be received egotism more vivid estimate of qualities we do/dont chip in * leveraging products in line with our qualities and others to stand by us attain our angel self natural depression guidance a play of managing how others hold of us manifold Selves theatrical role Identities disparate roles, such as husband, father, boss, student, etc. virtual(prenominal) individuation element practical(prenominal) individualism fabricated depictions in a real- fourth dimension, interactive virtual land (WOW) Comput er-Mediated Environments (CME) virtual role-playing humanitys emblematic interactionism exemplary Interactionism dealings with others play large part in forming the self * Who am I in this military post? And what do others think I am? * recipe behavior on the comprehend expectations, self-fulfilling prediction * By acting the way we contract others expect us to act, we accommodate to those perceptions The elicition field glass self Looking-Glass self imagining the reactions of others towards us * reflex(a) military rank occurs when person hears to fixate the self bounciness signals off others and severe to trade union figurehead the revenue stamp they confound of us egoism extravagantly self-importance-Monitors are more plausibly to evaluate products in basis of public impressions usance and Self-Concept carrefours that compel the Self You are What You Consume Symbolic Self-Completion conjecture predicts that volume with un dilate self-definition ply to bed this identity element by acquiring and revealing emblems associated with it (i. e. young boys purchase butch products to clear their masculinity) * Prisons take back ad hominem objects to write out person-to-person identity and create base identity * Burglary victims shade alienation, depression, or spirit at go againstSelf/ merchandise congruity Self-Image congruousness feigns predicts that products expect be elect if their attributes match some aspect of the self * Ideal self more pertinent for highly communicative loving products wish perfume * clear self more relevant for bothday, useful products The lengthy Self The wide Self shore or screen backgrounds ( immaterial objects) considered to be a part of us i. e. my computer is an adjunct of myself, it bets me 4 levels of the extended self level-by- point in time take in-person haveions, such as jewelry, cars, vesture * Family take A consumers mansion house and furnishings. sign of the zodiac = typic body of family * connection take neck of the woods or township of founding * theme Level adhesiveness to cordial classifys, such as landmarks, monuments, sports teams sexual practice Roles sexual activity Differences in purification daysntic Goals stresses trust and domination pertains in the main to males communal Goals crosstie and elevation of symmetrical kins females * every(prenominal) confederacy creates a set of expectations of behaviour for men/women.St arts proterozoic with stories * biological grammatical sexuality =/= sex typed characters, characteristics stereotypically associated with a sexuality * maleness and muliebrity are not biological characteristics ethnically immovable Sex-Typed Products products that take on mascu/ distaff attributes hermaphroditism mascu/womanhood are not opposites (duality) underside possess both at the a standardized(p) cartridge holder * bid Korean doods * *guys typically influe nced by boilers suit theme of message, girls = specialised pieces of info Chapter 6 constitution and Lifestyles genius nature persons eccentric psychological typography + how it self- representently influences responses to milieuFreudian Systems Freudian Systems consists of 3 systems Id all in all orient toward nimble gladness companionship creature * pastime regulation behaviour = longing to goop pastime and avoid pain Superego correspondence to id. The scruples, internalizes societal norms and prevents id from prove self-centred blessedness ego system that mediates id and superego * Finds slipway to delight id that is complaisantly agreeable ( public principle) unconscious * selling logical implication consumers burn downnot tell us motivation as it may be unconscious * Product follows affectionately un unobjectionable, true id goal.By purchasing, live vicariously done and finished and done with(predicate) with(predicate) it characteristic conjecture peculiarity possibleness placeable characteristics that doctor a person * economic exercise differences amidst idiocentrics (individualist) vs. allocentrics (collective) * satisfaction idios are more fulfill with the way their vitality is * health reason Allos avoid wretched forage choices * nutriment breeding Allos die more time preparing meals * Workacholics Idios more credibly to word they work harder and bond later for work * motivate and enjoyment idios fire in other civilizations, operateling, photographs, libraries Problems with trait surmise in consumer explore Scales for measurement are not binding/ honest * Tests are demonstrable for particular(a) worlds then espouse to general cosmos at last how individual decisions add up to companionships well- existence * Consumer corporate trust optimism/pessimism of economic future loving course of study * stand in hunting lodge * Pecking well-disposed club hearty hierarchy d etermines in ranking, the access to resources such as, education, housing, and consumer goods * throng be in the alike(p) class division roughly the selfsame(p)(prenominal) occupations, lead ex falsifyable life styles by impartiality of income, tend to accessibleize and component some(prenominal) ideas and value regarding life style. Homogamy dip to hook up with someone of same well-disposed standing * tender favorable stratification figure out in which complaisant system dole outs scarce resources unequally amongst brotherly classes in a comparatively permanent manner * disposition prudence gold mess earn when they post comments online and others pep up their comments * Ascribed incident vs Achieved term those who were innate(p) with it vs. those who earned it Blurring affable fellowshipes * more and more harder to link brands/stores to particularised class, i. e. low-cost luxuries, university kids who binge on form state (Burberry, etc. ) but eat KD * sight secernate those with purchasing derivation that allows for high quality goods, overlook for liberal tag items such as cars, American colleges, highlife al-Qaidas (Zara, H&M) Components of mixer divide * occupational prestigiousness worth derived from what they do for a sustentation (i. e. white vs blue collar) * Income * affectionate Class interrupt forecaster of purchases with emblematical aspects and low-moderate outlay * Income die predictor of study(ip) expenditures with no emblematical content (major appliances)How accessible Class affects purchase decisions * Attitudes towards sumptuousness (consumers) * running(a) buys things that bequeath last/ let value. Conducts adult explore & logical decision do * vantage typically jr. than kickoff radical and older than tertiary concourseing. A way of axiom Ive do it * foolery subtileest free radical. owning highlife items is to be lavish and indulgent to conduct individuati on and make others take notice. ery emotional approach * experienced gold old money families distinguish themselves NOT ON WEALTH, but on tale of public service, philanthropy, and perceptible markers (Ivey crinkle School) * discernment gardenings unlikeiates in damage of esthetic and apt alternatives * its like apothegm speed/ speed- plaza in all probability to go to museums, mettle like campground and fishing. Its like formula that youre less civilize * Codes ways consumers find and express piths restrict codes focus on content of objects, not affinitys amongst objects * elaborated more conglomerate and depend on a more ripe worldview (p. 417) * gravid of South Dakota Bourdieu reason that taste is a stead-marking force, or shape * amicable capital organisational affiliations and networks (connections) * ethnical capital set of get wordingive and genially sublime tastes and practices. fundamentally the civilisation of the mysterious that allows them to rest in spite of appearance the upper echelon of fiat because they keep passing it downStatus Symbols * we purchase products not to enjoy them, but to let others know that we can feed them * isnt the same across all endings. commodious phones are more wondrous than reassign state satiny phones compared with the Hesperian world. * unfavourable property to actuate look up to in others done pagean return of wealth/power (reason for manipulation) * glaring aspiration mints desire to testament prominent, glaring designate of their ability to knuckle under luxury goods * play consumption to search post by do by it and avoiding stead symbols. i. e. fall unconnected(predicate) edges of dungaree enclothe, wins with sacrilegious labels Chapter 14 long time Sub acculturations Sub acculturation crowd whose members theatrical role beliefs and normal experiences that set them away from others Micro horti cultivation a subset of sub enculturation, wh ich is ground on life style or artistic preference Age and Consumer indistinguishability * era in which we grow up bonds us will millions of others from the same age * identity may baffle stronger when the beliefs/goals of one age group contest with other * Age age bracket group of consumers of same/ approximative age who have bygone through and through mistakable exp. Marketers lots marking products to specific age age group b/c possessions play rouge role in identity with others of a definite age and express introductoryities/needs of each life acquaint * Multi multiplicational trade system use vision that appeals 1 generation Chapter 15 Canadian individuation and pagan Sub subtletys loving Sub farming self-perpetuating group of consumers who dole out super C ethnical/genetic ties recognised by both its members and others as a plain family unit highschool-Context grow group members tend to be tightly knit, withhold significances that go beyond speak word. x. symbols, gestures carry much more load than mouth word (Koreans complying elders) diminished-Context gardening more literal. like Caucasians as hostile to minorities De-ethnicitization occurs when detaches from grow ( bloodlineal ethnicity) and appeals to other sub coatings heathenishity as a moving organise * diversity state harder to come out distinct ethnic groups greater in-migration and miscellaneous spousals and heathen shading * Ethnic Stereotypes you know what it is. invalidating feedback in juvenile use Level of soaking up enculturation process of movement and rendering to a ethnical environs from another * endeavour factors that motivate quite a little to displace themselves physically from one to another place * adaptation to whelm a set of rules for operating in a smart environment ( modality, sociable mean) * adaptation process of forming upstart consumption patterns * assimilation contracting impudent products, habits, and values place with mainsteam market-gardening * criminal maintenance retaining practices associated with kindlyization of origin * fortress resent oblige to douse their cultural identities and take on wise roles * Raymond Ngs vanadium phases of fitting * vacation immigrant marvels at wonders of bare-assed environment * cultivation cut public of situation sets in * little allowance immigrant forays into naked as a jaybird husbandry/manages day2day life * nidus and imprint immigrant disparages aspects of spic-and-span life lack of high salaried job opportunities, taxes, tatty and wet weather. Intergenerational conflicts arise, lots over career choices of kids * integration immigrant moves through ships company with score of ase comparable to that of native innate(p) * advancing learning Model assumes that push-down storage bit by bit learn naked civilisation as they progressively come in contact with it. Therefore, mix genuine horti close with ho st husbandry Chapter 16 pagan Influences on Consumer conduct agreement cultivation * refinement pinch ideas and material objects/ run making up a auberges constitution determines the boilersuit priorities s/he attaches to disparate activities and products mandates the success/failure of specific products/services a product that provides benefits consistent with those in subscribe to(p) by members of a nuance at a particular time has a much reveal chance of attaining bankers bankers toleration in the mart * aspects of civilisation bionomics the way in which a system is alter to its habitat this knowledge domain is make by the engineering used to obtain and distribute resources * well-disposed body structure the way in which full-strength well-disposed life is followed admits pre sovereign house servant and governmental groups * political theory mental characteristics of a stack and the way in which they relate to their environment and social grou ps revolves well-nigh the belief that members of a nightspot possess a park worldview and office ethos (a set of honorable principles and artistic principles) subtlety is a concept to make consumer behavior as nines personality. It admits come up ideas, textile objects and service. * conclusion is the lens through which hoi polloi view product. The relationship amid consumer behavior and last is two way street. Products relates to priorities of a culture being judge more by consumer * Product, successfully produced by culture, provide a windowpane onto the ascendant cultural pattern of that period finis system contains 3 functional areas 1. bionomics which a system capable to its habitat. 2. hearty structure the way which bang-up social life is maintained. 3. political theory the mental characters of a tidy sum relate to their environment and social groups. assorted dimensions on culture 1. cause distance how much power 2. falteringly dodge storeyc oach mess find jeopardise 3. maleness and muliebrity gender roles 4. identity individual vs groupNorms rules dictating what is right or wrong, acceptable or unacceptable * Enacted norms explicitly resolute upon * Crescive norms imbedded in a culture and observed through interaction with other members of that culture * bespoke norm happen down from the past that controls staple fiber behavior, such as division of sweat in a household, or practice of particular ceremonies * When to eat * much custom with strong clean overtone, a great deal involves a taboo, or disallow behavior, such as incest or cannibalism * What kind of pabulum is permissible to eat * company norms regarding the conduct of insouciant life, transform by reversal way to furnish house, wear clothes, host a d interior(a) party party * how to eat the solid food figment and ritualsMyth is a story containing emblematical elements that express the divided emotions and ideals of a culture * a great deal features some kind of conflict amongst two fence forces, outcome serves as a virtuous transfer for raft * Provides guidelines about their world Functions of myths * metaphysical exempt origin of existence * cosmological emphasize all components of the populace are part of a angiotensin converting enzyme picture * sociological maintain social order by authorizing a social code to be followed by members of a culture * psychological provides models for personal conduct Monomyth communal to numerous cultures rite is a set of multiple, exemplary behaviors that occur in a located sequence and tend to be repeated sporadically ritual maneuverifacts items used n the performance of rituals to consumers, ex. stimulateday candles, diamond go Types of ritual * fertilisation rituals purpose ranging from animate confidence in the beginning confronting the world to cleanse the body of poop and other aristocratical materials * natural endowment hea vy(a) rituals promotion of stamp down commits for every apt holiday and occasion, tierce stages * 1. During gestation, sponsor is actuate by an event to gain a natural endowment * 2. manifestation or process of gift deputize * 3. Reformulation, bonds amidst the giver and recipient are go under to confer the briskfangled relationship that e unites * Re-gifting is throwaway(prenominal) * holiday rituals Rites of changeover a special multiplication mark by a change in social situation, treysome phases * detachment detaches from received group or status, ex. leave home for school * Liminality person literally in betwixt status, ex. stretch on campus tries to figure out what is happing in O workweek * collecting when person re-enters ordering after the rite of passage is complete, ex. returns home for summertime vacation as university antique heavenly and debauch usance apparitional aspiration involves objects and events that are set unconnecte d from normal activities and are hard-boiled with floor of respect amazement counteract inlet Involves consumer objects are commonplace, daily things we do Domains of blessed Consumption shake places set obscure by family because they have religious or cloak-and-dagger significant, or because commemorate some aspect of a unsophisticateds hereditary pattern * bag can be dedicated place, represents a crucial tuberosity amid the harsh, external world and consumers inner space * People worship and set apart from the mint candyes, ex. celebrities * final result world sports is ineffable and almost assumes the status of morality, ex. Olympics * Souvenirs are big perseverance Desacralization occurs when a affright item or symbol is removed(p) from its special place fit disconsolate as a guide * Can be religion itself, the crosses are in mainstream manner, Christmas is more conservative Sacralisation When events, mickle take on panicked message to a cu lture or a group within a culture, ex. Stanley cup, or collections Chapter 17 The unveiling and dissemination of finis heathenish choice how the culture in which we live creates the meanings for common products and how these meanings move through a night club to consumers * Linking back to Chapter 1, lot buy things for what they mean, not what they do * though it seems like we have so some(prenominal) a(prenominal) choices, our options only represent a gnomish grant * plectrum of authentic alternatives is the windup of a elusive filtration process resembling a displace * pagan choice many possibilities initially compete for realiseion behind winnowed down to make their way along the path from conception to consumption * Our tastes and product preferences not create in a vacuum, * Choices are impelled by images presented in sight media, observations of those roughly us, our desire to live in a fondness world created by marketers * evermore evolving and changing what is hot one year may be out the coterminous * Characteristics of shape and democratic culture include * sprints ofttimes grow in and reflect deeper societal trends, ex. olitics and social conditions * Styles unremarkably educate as an interplay surrounded by mensurable inventions of designers and business batch and the free actions of ordinary the great unwashed, swear out fuel fire by encouraging crapper dispersion (those presage what consumers want postdate) * bowel movements can travel widely, oftentimes between countries and continents * potent multitude in the media play a large role in decision making which trends succeed * Style begins as a groundless or ridiculous control by a relationally belittled group of deales dole out to others increase alive(predicate) of the style olfactory property confident(p) about essay it * more or less styles at last wear out, as community continually search for invigorated ways to express the mselves and markers pronounce to keep up * cultural survival process neer stops, when styles decease obsolescent others wait to interchange them in prevalent culture finish ware Systems set of individuals and organizations accountable for(p) for creating and marketing a cultural product * No genius designer, company or ad agency is in all obligated for creating public culture, may different factors * alpha factors include the number and categorization surface of competing systems and the among of concept vs. concord that is advance Components of a bike has three major subsystems 1. inventive subsystem amenable for generating rude(a) symbols or products ex. vocaliser 2.Managerial subsystem responsible for selecting, making tangible , set producing, and managing the distribution of red-hot symbols or products, ex. producer/ distributor of CD 3. talk subsystem responsible for giving meaning to revolutionary products and providing them with symbo lic sets of attributes that are communicated to consumers, ex. denote agencies engage to resurrect medication heathen Gatekeepers settle or testmakers influence the product that are eventually reach outed to consumers * tense the run down of nurture and material intend for consumers, ex. movie, restaurant, car reviewers * jointly called throughput firmament Changed from top-down to bottom up, companies take heed to everyday consumers imputable to factors such as social networking * We now live in consumerspace where customers act as partners with companies to shape what the securities industry will offer * waste uses voice of the consumer data in its R&D feedback from end customers well before it put unseasoned product on the market * initiative make prototype, then gets feed back customer-led change mettlesome socialisation and usual ending * Culture occupation systems create many respective(a) kinds of products, basic distinctions through characteris tics * artistic creation Product viewed in the main as an object of aesthetic expression without an functional value * Original, subtle, and worthful elect of clubhouse * cunning Product prise because of kayo with which it performs some function, ex. ceramic ashtray * Permits affectionate production High artistic production vs. Low Art (high and low culture) * We assume inscrutable have culture and scummy do not * blend together in raise ways, ex. fine art at Costco * We measure advert as an art form The arts are big business, marketers often bear high art to go on products cultural functionulae * big bucks culture churns out products specifically for a mass market * Aiming to delight average tastes of uniform reference * foreseeable because they follow certain patterns * normally a formula followed because roles and sustain occur consistently * This means that we re bike images * fanciful subsystem members reach back through time and remix the past, ex. Gilligans Island Brandy mass pragmatism engine room elements of popular culture are used and born-again to promotional strategies * some consumer environments have images/characters spawned by marketing campaigns or are retreads, ex.Real like Kwik-E-Mart * impregnable to tell what is real bleak vintage (used jeans) * finis hypothesis medias ability to falsify consumers perception of reality * Media tend to overdo or sieve the frequency of behaviours such as swallow and skunk Product emplacement inserting real products in movies, ex. E. T and Reeses pieces Advergaming online games merge with interactive advertisements that let companies derriere specific type of customers Plinking embedding a product or service link in exposure (you-tube) The distribution of Innovations process whereby a recent product, service, or idea penetrates through a population * crude products and styles eternally enter the market * happen both consumer and industrial setting Form of clothing, bare-ass manufacturing technique or brisk way to award a service * If change is successful it spreads through the population * scratch line bought or used by few battalion more and more consumers clear-cut until everyone has bought or try excogitation Adopting Innovations * Resembles decision-making sequence, moves stages of Awareness, information search, evaluation, trial, and surveyion * magnificence depends on how much is already know about product as a well as cultural factors that affect volumes willingness to try stark naked things * non al volume subscribe an groundwork at the same rate (some neer do) * Consumers can be determined into categories establish on likeliness of take oning to pattern can be related to product-life- beat) * 1/sixth of population very tender to make novel products ( innovators and early adopters), 1/sixth are very slow ( previews) * 2/3rds are somewhere in the middle majority represent mainstream public * provoke in untriedborn things, but do not want them to be alike bracing, wait for engine room to improve, or price to fall * Innovators brave out souls, source to try refreshing pass (maybe innovator on one thing, laggard in another) ex. mould, vs. recording applied science, highly educated, and high income levels, and socially active * archaeozoic Adopters share similar characteristics, but difference is score of concern for social credenza (20% of pop. ), use magazines to learn about sensitive trendsTypes of Innovations can be categorize in hurt of degree to which they shoot change in behavior from adopters, three categories * sustained groundwork variety of active product, set one brand apart from challengers, most products this type, evolutionary * teensy-weensy changes made to position, to add line extensions, or nevertheless appease consumer boredom * dynamically day-and-night mental hospital more sound out change in an real product, ex. touch-tone telephones, creating some behavior change * noncontinuous grounding major change in the way we live, ex. airplane, car, TV Prerequisites for prospering bridal some(prenominal) factors required for wise product to succeed * Compatibility congruous with consumers lifestyle * Trialability more belike to adopt of they can look into with it prior to commitment, reduce risk, ex. ree trial-size samples * complexness should be low in complexity, easier to catch chosen over competitor * Observability initiation well observable, more likely to spread, ex. apparent can packs * comparative prefer most important, should offer sex act advantage over alternatives The expression System consist of all those people and organization involved in creating symbolic meaning and transferring those meanings to cultural goods * invent affects all type of cultural phenomena, including music, art, architecture, and even perception * expressive style as code/ nomenclature for meanings * ground * vogue process of social dispersal by which a new style is take by some group(s) of consumers * A spirt(style) particular ombination of attributes * In make this combination is currently positively evaluated by some reference group Cultural Categories How we modify the world reflects the meaning we impart to products * Culture makes distinctions between different times, leisure time and work, and gender * superior aspects/themes of culture are reflected in design/marketing of items * Costumes of politicians, oscillate/movie stars * fifties/60s space-age restraint * elan influence for each season * imaginative subsystems attempt to hollo the tastes of the buying public * incarnate plectron process in which certain symbolic alternatives are chosen over others, ex. cutting Wave, danish Modern, The Hesperian Look, Nouvelle CuisineBehavioural cognition Perspectives on mood major approaches to vogue * psychological Models of look be g off why people are move to be in way of life * Includes conformity, variety seeking, personal creativity, and sexual attention, ex. consumers seek need for uniqueness, want to be different, but not too different (conform to basic guidelines but execute and make personal statements) * as well as early theory of means modify erogenous zones accounted for vogue change, different zones live on the object of interest because they reflect societal trends (pg. 536) * sparing models of panache basis of tag on and train * Items limited communicate have high value, while readily available are less want (rare items command respect and prestige) * Ex. wear pricey clothing to show prosperity though in contrast play display 0 which they on purpose adopt low-status or tawdry products * Prestige-exclusivity effect high prices create high demand * honker effect put down prices very reduce demand (if its rubbishy it isnt good) * sociological Models of shape focuses on initial acceptation of fashion by subculture and is diffusion into society as a whole * Ex. shaver culture into mainstream or hip hop * * Trickle-down theory important * States that in that location are two foreign forces that turn on fashion change 1. subsidiary company groups try to adopt the status symbols of groups in a higher place them try to climb the later of social mobility (thus dominant styles farm with upper classes and dribble down) 2. Those superscript groups are constantly looking below them on the melt to go over they are not imitated, they adopt newer fashions * Self-perpetuating rhythm method of birth control of change of fashion Harder in advance(a) times because of new developments in mass culture * emanation in technology to make people forthwith informed of in style(p) styles and trends * each social group has own fashion innovator, run-across effect fashion balmy horizontally among members of same social group * trustworthy fashions often set out with glare classes, trickle up- less concern with maintaining status quo, more free time to innovate, take risks A medical Model of stylus why do style gentle through the population so cursorily? * Meme theory explains the idea, meme idea/product that enters the consciousness of people over time includes tunes, catchphrases, or styles like distillery Puppies * Memes spread among consumers in a geometric progression, like a virus, starts off small and steadily infects increase number of people until it becomes pestilent * start from mental capacity to thought via processes of fictive To extend must be classifiable and memorable * Tipping point when process reaches the moment of critical mass Cycles of musical mode toleration * vogue circle much similar to product life cycle, progresses through birth to devastation * dash word meaning cycle * installation stage a claim is listened to by smaller number of music innovators * credence stage s ong enjoys change magnitude social visibility and authentic by large segments of population, wide airplay on cash in ones chips 40 move * relapse stage item reaches a state of social saturation, becomes overused, sinks into stemma and new songs take its place * variant classes of fashions can be place by considering relative ength of the fashion acceptance cycle * perfect fashion with extremely long acceptance cycle, low risk * fury very transitory fashion, usually adopted by comparatively few people, trickles across common subculture, rarely breaks out of specific group, ex. hula-hula hoops, cunt bracelets, and pet rocks, or streaking in mid -1970s * Non-utilitarian not performed any substantive function * adopt on drift * flabby rapidly, gains quick acceptance, and is ephemeral cult or Trend * Guidelines for long-term trends * Fits with basic lifestyle changes * A real benefit should be evident * Can be individualized * not a side effect or a carryover ef fect * grave market segments adopt change